Chapter 5: New Friends

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~ Mathilda POV ~

Hesitantly and extremely nervous, I took a seat beside the boy who also got sorted into Hufflepuff earlier. He immediately extended his hand into my direction, grinning from ear to ear.

"Jesper Fuller, pleasure to meet you! So nice that you also got sorted into Hufflepuff, you seem really kind. Slightly nervous, but that is fine," he said with a wide smile on his lips, curly blond locks falling into his face which were nearly covering his light brown eyes.

Slightly startled about his kindness, I shook his hand, my sweaty palm touching his and said, "Mathilda Bell. Pleasure to meet you too!" His grin intensified, not minding at all that I had rubbed my sweat on his hand.

Smiling, we then watched as the other people got sorted into their houses. After a few minutes a girl called Britt Davies, who had short blond hair took the seat next to me. Britt was quite tall for her age, towering slightly over me. But who wasn't towering over me?

"Hi, nice to meet you. It is so cool, Hogwarts, huh?" Britt exclaimed, looking around in absolute awe. We beamed, nodding at her. It really was.

Soon our small group of three was also joined by a quite athletic looking boy with extremely short brown hair who introduced himself as Ian Tanner.

More and more people joined their tables and before one of us could start a conversation a tall wizard stepped forward on the dais. He had long white hair and a long white beard and on his nose there were tiny glasses. I assumed that he was Professor Dumbledore, our headmaster.

He warmly greeted all new students and welcomed back the older ones, smiling at all of us.

He concluded his short speech by saying, "Let the feast begin!"

Within seconds the tables started to fill with all kinds of delicious food. My mouth watered from only looking at it, somethings I had never seen in my life before. All was decorated so beautifully and tasted even more delicious than I had expected.

While we were eating, ghosts were flying around the tables and greeted us. The older Hufflepuff pupils told us that our house ghost was the Fat Friar, which I found quite amusing. He laughed and tumbled over our house table, greeting us first years while rattling his cup.

"I must admit I was really taken by surprise when that letter was suddenly on our porch. Mum nearly fell off her chair and dad dropped his tea cup when I read the letter to them. 'Our son is a wizard, bloody hell'," Jesper told us, laughing before stuffing another piece of chicken in his mouth and chewing loudly. I watched him with amusement.

"Me two. Until a few weeks ago I had not even an idea that something like Hogwarts or the wizarding world existed. Always thought this just happens in books. Wizards and witches, crazy. What about you? Were you surprised too?" Britt asked, looking into my direction my direction with big eyes.

I quickly swallowed the last piece of bread I had just eaten, nearly choking as it had been quite big, but I wanted to answer as quickly as possible. Then told them that it wasn't really a surprise for me as out of family everyone was either a witch or a wizard. "No, my mum's a witch and actually everyone in my family is. But most of them were sorted into other houses. None of them in Hufflepuff actually."

"Which houses?" Jesper asked, honestly interested.

"Mum's been in Ravenclaw and the rest actually in Slytherin." The others nodded, smiling at me and continued to eat with interested expressions on their faces.

I added that I was still really, really happy and excited when letter had finally arrived. I could also have been a squib, you never knew that. Although that was highly doubtful since when I had been eight I accidentally had sent my whole bookshelf flying against a wall as I had not been strong enough to move it on my own.

Ian's family were also solely wizards and witches, he told us, smiling proudly.

"You have to tell me everything about the muggle world. I am so interested in it and I really want to know more about it," I then told my Muggle-born housemates to which they grinned and agreed.

After eating and talking for a while one of the older students got up and introduced himself as a prefect who would then guide us to our dorm rooms. We all followed him out of the Great Hall and turned right and walked down to the basement where the kitchen and our common room were. In a nook on the right-hand side of the kitchen corridor behind some barrels was our common room.

After leading us into the room, explaining to us how to enter it and also explaining many other things (for example that one had to tickle the pear on the painting on the entrance to the kitchen in order to enter which I found absolutely hilarious) the prefect then told us who we would be sharing our dorms with.

I got put into a dorm with Britt, who I had already met, a girl called Emma, who had red hair and a kind smile and Juliette, who was very tanned and had dark brown hair, immediately grinning at us when she found out that we would be sharing a room.

Jesper and Ian also were put into the same dorm room alongside two other boys. (A.N. I know normally there are 5 pupils per dorm but it is just easier for me otherwise there would be sooo many characters, soorry :))

"Ugh, mum's so embarrassing, she even packed toilet paper for me." Emma exclaimed, letting herself fall onto her bed. All of us bursted into laughter. I crinkled my nose, pulling in the sleeve of a jumper that I wanted to hang into my wardrobe.

"I think it is lovely we get to share a room. You seem really cool and nice," Juliette, or Julie which she preferred, then told us which made my heart warm.
"I am also really happy to share a room with you," I quickly answered her, slowly waddling over to my bed and sitting down. "Like really, really happy, I have never been away from home or mum before so this was slightly terrifying," I only whispered the last part, but at least Britt must have heard me, coming up to me and placing her hand on my shoulder.

"No worries, you got all of us. Nothing to worry about. We are a little gang now. A dorm room gang." That made me smile, grin actually.

After settling in and unpacking our things we probably talked for hours, getting to know each other even better like where we are from, our family situations and many other things. I even told them about my father, which I normally never told anyone. Not that I actually ever really had anyone I could tell that too.

When it was already really late I just quickly wrote a letter, informing my mother that I had arrived safely and that I got sorted into Hufflepuff. I also told her that I would go into more detail about everything at the end of the first week.

At some point all of us must have drifted off into sleep, snuggled tightly into our beds and with smiles on our faces. 

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