Chapter 11: Bloody Idiot

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~ Mathilda POV ~

A few weeks into the new school term, I was casually minding my own business, walking to the Transfiguration Classroom. Normally I hated walking alone somewhere, no matter where. But I accidentally had taken the wrong book from my shelf and only realised it after already having walked half of the way to the classroom. I told the girls that they should head to class without me and I would just quickly run back, grab my book and then catch up with them.

So where were we? I was now already on my to the classroom again, walking up those dreadful staircases that most of the time costed me my last breath. 

I had made my plan without Sirius Black.

I suddenly heard laughing and shouting, but couldn't quite make out where it came from until it hit me. By hit I mean literally hit me.

Mr Sirius Orion Black crashed into me with full force. Lucky for him he was able to grab the railing of the stairs.

Unlucky me, I wasn't able to do the same. I started tumbling. And then I fell. Backwards. And if that hadn't been enough I could not hold onto anything, nothing that I could grab, which meant I began slipping. I slipped down the whole staircase, lying on my back and my head kind of hitting every single step that I had just walked up (talking from personal experience, yes that can really happen). Internally I fought between cursing Sirius for that and cursing myself for being so stupid and grabbing the wrong book.

Sirius did nothing. Except standing there in shock. He was gaping like a fish, his mouth opening and closing, but no words came out.

Squeezing my eyes shut, I wondered how long it would take me to finally come to a halt. Pain erupted in every fiber of my back, which would probably be terribly bruised by the evening.

Sirius, the idiot, was soon joined by James and Peter, both first looking at him and then looking into the direction he was staring at.

And well after seconds of slipping I then finally came to a stop. I was extremely perplexed and overwhelmed by first of all the pain, then the embarrassment and lastly by what the actual hell had just happened. Anger and pain coated my insides and I swallowed hard.

Shuddering and sucking my lip between my teeth, I sat up when pain shot through my whole body. Good Godrick. Ice-hot pain spread over my whole back and my mouth was all of a sudden filled with a metallic taste.

I winced and whimpered, barely audible I hoped, trying to brace my hands on the ground. My trembling hands. Then I moved into a kneeling position.

I tried to collect myself and my things, blinking away my tears which the pain in my back and head had just caused and curling my fingers against my palms.

When I looked up I saw Sirius scuff towards me. He had a grim look on his face, his brows furrowed and was followed closely by James who gave me a weird look. I was sure I could spot a glimpse of some sort of anguish or regret or maybe pity in his glistening, grey eyes.

"I didn't mean to -erm-push or hurt you. But you should really watch where you going instead of keeping your eyes on the ground all the time. Good advice, maybe look up from time to time," he grumbled before scrunching his nose and giving me one last look. His chin held high, he strutted away.

What? I sat there in shock and utter disbelief. He did not just say that? He did not just do that and and that was his excuse, right?

What happened next, well I could not quite explain how and why I said it, why I uttered those hurtful and shameful words, but they just slipped over my lips. "Bloody idiot! You're nothing better than your cruel family. Disgusting and cruel!" I shouted after him and then I jumped to my feet, still in pain and sprinted away, internally hoping he did not hear it (he did, but that doesn't matter now). By sprinting I meant walking as fast as the pain, that now also shot through my legs and set them on fire, would allow me. I internally was really mad at myself for saying those words, knowing how terrible the Nobel Black family was. But was he any better?

After limping the whole, agonising long way back, I joined the girls in Transfiguration to what I was now way too late and I had to come up with an apology. I kept this incident a secret until the evening as I did not want them to freak out in the middle of the lesson.

When I took of my school uniform and was only standing there in my vest and pajama pants Julie suddenly shrieked looking, clutching her chest with hand.

"Bloody hell, Mathilda! What happened to your shoulder? It is completely bruised?" Great, now I had to explain what happened and so I told them the story.

Well, maybe not the whole and true story. My story only consisted of me being clumsy and falling down the stairs. I left out one minor detail. Sirius Black.

Why? You might be wondering. Because I was person who tried to escape every conflict in the best (or worst) way possible. This lie would not harm anyone and my friends would not have to be angry or worry.

Since knowing how protective those girls I could proudly call my best friends were over me I gurss that if I told them about what had happened they would walk straight up to Sirius the following day and punch him right into the face or hex him.

And did I want this? Well, actually yes! I tiny, little, mischievous part of me actually did.


But, a more rational and less violent part of me did not want that.

No conflict. No drama. Just peaceful and calm school years, please? Thank you!

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