Chapter 56: Mum, Please Tell Me That This Is Not True?

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~ Mathilda POV ~

"One more kiss," Sirius pleaded while trying to pull me back down on him.

"I have to leave now. You know Floo Network does not work with our houses anymore and I have to catch the train. I really want to talk to mum as soon as possible," I whined while tumbling onto his chest. The Black brother immediately wrapped his arms around me and nestled his head into the crook of my neck. "That's better. Leave tomorrow morning. Please, stay for one more night?" he mumbled softly against my skin.
I lifted my head to give him an unsure look and was met with his pouting face. Since when was he so clingy?

"In addition, you told your mother you would come home Monday evening or Tuesday. Maybe she isn't even home. Please," he begged, placing sloppy kisses to my neck. His slight stubble tickled and I had to giggle. "Uh, you are really so annoying sometimes. Alright, alright. I'll stay. But—" Before I could continue he squeezed me, shouting a, "Yes".

"But, I will take the earliest train tomorrow morning!"

I already knew I wouldn't. First of all because I never get up early and secondly, I just enjoyed mornings with Sirius way too much to leave him earlier than necessary.

"And next time you come over I'll teach you apparation, you need to learn that, or tell your mum to teach you." I bowed my head, lying down on his chest again and taking in his scent. We were lying on the couch. Sirius nestled into the pillows, holding me tightly. I tried to wiggle off my shoes since now I was not going to leave and no shoes were needed.

A low groan escaped Sirius and he bit down on his lower lip. "Mh, stop grinding and wiggling around," he mumbled, throwing his head back. "Or would you like to take that upstairs?"

I had to laugh slightly. "No, sorry I," I said chuckling. "I tried to get my shoes off and managed." Sirius answered with a "mhm" before brushing a hand over his face.

"Stop being horny 24/7!" I told him laughing into his chest. "I try to but you make it terribly difficult for me, pup. Around you I am always turned on. I mean look at you, how exceptionally delicious you are, baby," he drawled. 

I had to giggle and I buried my blushing face into his chest even more. That blushing would probably never stop.

We fell asleep on the couch at some point and in the late morning I then really decided to leave. Sirius being a baby, whining around and asking when I would come back and that I should already come back at least at the end of this week, then also brought me to the train station.

I normally really liked traveling by broom but I forgot mine at home and so the only option was the train.

Sirius also wanted to convince Dumbledore to let me join the order and he also said that he will tell the others all about what I have told him, so that they will trust me again. After many more goodbyes, love yous and kisses I then finally boarded the train and took off.

The train ride was short, as we only live a bit outside of London. Once I arrived at the train station of my hometown I began walking and after around 20 minutes I arrived at home.

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I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw her standing on the porch, with him.

Mulciber Snr.

That couldn't be a coincidence.

I tried to hide a bit behind a tree, not wanting to crash into whatever was going on there.

Did he stay the night? Was he here all the time I was at Sirius' place? Were he and my mum really dating? No. No that could not be. After everything with my father she would not fall for someone like him again.

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