Chapter 31: O Sweet Jealousy

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~ Mathilda POV ~

We walked through the door and as I heard foot steps behind me I quickly held the door open for whoever was behind us. When I heard his familiar voice, the oh so posh British accent saying "Thank you." It was the deep tenor of his voice, reverberating through me that made me turn. I swirled around, nearly tumbling against him and was met with the most beautiful grey eyes I had ever seen. It felt like the time and world around me had stopped. My breath hitched in my throat when I just stood there, shamelessly staring into those marvelous eyes. A rush of heat making its way up to my cheeks made me realise what my traitorous brain had made me do. Blushing even more after realisation had hit me, I quickly lowered my gaze towards the ground. God, Mathilda could you be a bit more obvious?

"You're erm,'re welcome," I finally stammered, only slightly lifting my gaze from the ground. He grinned at me. It was a purely male and purely Sirius Black grin. Although he was grinning and somehow examining my face he did not say anything. Funnily also a rosy tone suddenly appeared on his cheeks.

His eyes slowly drifted over my face, shortly lower to my torso and back to my face again and he still grinned. My feet were somehow rooted to the ground and I could not move an inch.

"Alright, lovebirds, this is really cute, but I am freezing quite a bit and would really like to enter," Marlene cut through the silence, nudging Sirius. She winked at me to which I flashed her a perplexed look.

Chuckling loudly she was soon playfully shoved by her shoulder by Sirius. Remus and Dorcas behind him seemed a little bit confused, but also started snickering when passing us.

"I am... I mean..Yes, sorry. I. Move. I mean. Godrick—" I stammered, internally facepalming myself. One time of eye contact was enough for my brain to go empty. One coherent sentence, please just let me form one coherent sentence.

"I mean, I am sorry. Of course. I am joining my friends now. Make yourself a lovely day here," I said to them, trying to force a smile onto my lips while I was probably still blushing like a fool. Yes, amazing that was absolutely what I wanted.

"Ahm, yeah sure! You too. And thanks again for holding the door open, love."

Okay, that was the moment I wanted to faint. Did I faint? Thank Godrick, I didn't. Did he just call me love again? Did he?

I internally squealed like a child who got four scoops of ice cream after being promised one. "Sure, always," I coolly said, trying to act calm which was definitely unsuccessful. After that I just smiled again, turned around and walked towards where my friends had sat down while grinning to myself, I just couldn't control it.

"Oh my god! What did we miss? We want to know everything. Every detail. What did he say?" Emma practically shouted at me and I knew he must have heard it as I felt them also walking into our direction. Britt just brightly smiled at me. The boys seemed confused and Jesper just looked away, quite annoyed and also seemingly sad. I knew it hurt him, but he also knew how I felt about him. I could not change my feelings even though it knew it hurt him.

"Oh, nothing I just held the door open and he said thank you. Nothing special," I answered, smiling while taking my coat and scarf off and sitting down next to Julie. I really wanted to change the topic, but I could not really order my thoughts in that moment.

"Isn't that Jenna with that Peter guy from year seven?" Luke suddenly laughed, pointing to the other side of the room. We all looked and were quite surprised. Ian shrugged his shoulders, telling us that he did not care about whom she was with. I also saw Potter sitting with Lily and I had to snicker slightly. So he has really finally managed to win her heart? But to be honest, they were extremely cute together and he even seemed more mature when he was with her.

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