Chapter 57: Explanation & Initiation

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Thank you to everyone who started reading this book lately and who reads it since a longer time now!! It really means a lot!! I am honestly so insecure about my writing lately. Is it too boring? Do you even understand what I write, lol? Too many thoughts in my head right now, since also my UNI semester is ending tomorrow....
But whaterver let's get back to the story:


~ Sirius POV ~

"Ha, I knew it. I knew she was innocent. She never ever would have anything to do with the bad guys!" Marlene beamed while jumping up and down in my living room.

"I must say I also did not really believe it, but I am really relieved right now," now also Lily said.

For the past hour or more I had explained and told them everything she has told me. I also told them about my idea concerning initiating her into the Order and all of them really liked the idea.

"I mean she is pretty young and has to go back to school, but honestly I see no reason why Dumbledore should say no," Remus argued, placing a hand on my shoulder. I flashed him a smile.

The Order meeting would start in half and hour and we decided to meet at my place before so I could explain everything to them, before we would apparate there.

We quickly downed our drinks and collected our jackets. I also brought her letter just in case I had to present proof why we should trust her and her mother.

-the Order meeting-

When we arrived there were many of the other members and Aurors already heatedly discussing something. Apparently Lucius Malfoy has involved in some bad business. We quickly took our seats close to Dumbledore and Alastor Moody.

Although we were official members I sometimes felt as if the others still thought of us as teenagers.

"Any news? Anything you have to share with us?" Alastor turned towards us, eyes slightly squinted and wearing a questioning look. I felt my hands getting sweaty and I swallowed hard.

"Actually I do...I have some news," I sternly said. It was then that also Dumbledore turned towards us.

"I kept an eye on my girlfriend and also asked her some things,"I said, keeping my face stern.
I told them most of the things she had told me, but I did not yet say that I told her about the Order. He listened carefully, head slightly nodding and also scribbling down some notes.

"Alright, that is good to know, very good actually. We also sent some Aurors to there house some day ago, to pay a visit to Artus. They said he seemed a bit senile, but concluded that he would be harmless, so also no worries there."

"That was a very good job, son. Keep up the good work and one day you will become a great Auror." I grinned sheepishly, thanking him before I spoke up again.

"There is actually something else I would like to say or rather ask," I said, giving him an expectant look.

"Would there be a chance to also initiate Mathilda to the Order. I mean, I trust her with my whole heart and she would actually be helpful I think. She knows a lot about the Wizarding World, she knows a lot of people, also sadly many darker wizards and witches," I started when Lily placed her hand on my wrist. "And she is incredibly talented. And we all trust her as well," she added and I flashed her a big, thankful smile. Pride rippled through my body. Yes, she was. My girlfriend.

"Hm, it would probably not be a bad idea, but she is too young, isn't she?"

"She is seventeen, but she does not have to go on missions or anything, she could just be in the Order, provide information and be helpful?" I suggested, expectant. I wanted her to join. I wanted her to be in this thing with me. But was it safe for her?  I hadn't really thought of that before.

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