Chapter 70: You Could Have Died*

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-this chapter takes place after the motorcycle chase of James and Sirius; I'll put the link here if you would like to read that first. I would recommend it, tough it is not necessary:


~ Mathilda POV ~

Sirius, Marlene and Remus left after breakfast the day after they attack, because they had to do Order business. I spent a lot of time at my grandfather's place, helping him recover from the shock, brewing potions, mixing liquids and taking care of plants and herbs. He appreciated it a lot. Also after the others have left, Aurors arrived and started to patrol the grounds around our house and the forest.

I was currently just looking forward to seeing Sirius again the following day, when I would finally go to London again, since he did not have any Order duty that weekend and the Monday after the weekend I would already go back to Hogwarts. Tomorrow Lily and James would come over to have dinner and I was really looking forward to it.

"So here, also put that in the box," my grandfather said, placing another bottle into an already completely filled box, he had prepared for Slughorn. "And also this plant here!"

I just nodded, snickering slightly before grabbing the box and the plant and telling him goodbye and that he needs to take care and walking over to our house.

I quickly put the things on my suitcase for Hogwarts before sitting down next to my mum on the couch in the living room. She was currently reading the Daily Prophet, having a concerned look on her face.The moment I sat down, she immediately wrapped her arms around me, pulling me into a tight hug.

"You have to be careful. More careful than ever before. They are now also attacking blood traitors and through the friendship with Emma, Britt and Jesper, in their eyes you are a blood traitor," mum said, slightly stroking my hair. I just nodded, not wanting to hear this, not wanting her to say a thing like blood traitor. I placed my head on her chest, while she softly brushed through my hair.

We stayed like that for at least an hour before I went to be, reassuring her that I will be extra careful, in London but also at Hogwarts.

The next morning came quick and I hugged my mum as tightly as I could, reassuring her again that I will be careful and that everything will be fine. Then I apparated.

And I landed on my feet, without a crash or anything, my things and suitcase as well as the box, neatly placed onto each other. Hah, finally!

Unfortunately Sirius did not see my perfect landing and I was a bit frustrated and started running towards the kitchen. "Booh!" I shouted and he jumped a bit and gave me a shocked look.

"Got you!" I laughed, wrapping my arms around my tall boyfriend, grinning wickedly. He lifted me from the ground, spinning us around.

"I hate you," he mumbled and I laughed again.

"No, you don't," I said before placing a kiss on his lips. He turned us so that my back was against the counter and within seconds he lifted me onto the kitchen counter, shoving my legs apart and placing himself between them. No second was wasted before his tongue found its way into my mouth, pulling me closer to him, hands shamelessly running over my body and obviously also under my shirt, squeezing and massaging. Really, so quick?

I placed my hands on his shoulder, moving one hand up into his hair as he started kissing me more passionately. Sirius' lips hovered above my ear, his breath tickling me when he said, "You know I said that I love your butt, but Godrick, Mathilda, do I adore your boobs! But I guess you know that." I had to laugh at that and yes, yes, I had figured that out already. 

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