Chapter 69: Death Eater Visit

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~ Sirius POV ~

"Alright, so that means Moony and I are heading towards that forest while you and Peter will go east?" I asked one more time, giving Prongs a questioning look and tracing my finger over the map.

"Yes, exactly. I have no idea where we will find them and if they will talk to us, but we need to try everything we can," Prongs said, his hands also braced on the big map, his eyes scanning over it.

"Marlene and I are staying here and maybe follow Malfoy and his friends, checking with whom he meets up and what he does," Lily said, while Prongs wrapped his arms around her, placing a kiss on her head. I smiled at them. Soon I would see Mathilda again; finally after so many weeks. God, I had missed her terribly.

"What if they don't want to talk to us? What do we do then?" Remus said and I simply shrugged my shoulders, "Then we probably have to force them," I simply answered, cold and bored.

Remus nodded and we kept on talking about the upcoming mission, Dorcas was currently in Cornwall on a mission, she constantly wrote letters, and not only Marlene but all of us were very anxious that something might happen to her.

I drew some lines on the map when suddenly the door was slammed open and Alastor rushed in.

"Black, Potter, Lupin ....actually all of you come with me. Quickly!"

He had a nervous look on his face, breathing heavily, giving us an urging look.

"What us up? What happened?" Lily asked concerned while grabbing her jacket and heading towards the door.

"Death Eater attack on the Bell family," he tightly answered, giving me a stern look before we all put our arms together to apparate. 


No way. Not an attack on Mathilda and her family,

It felt like someone cut the ground from under my feet. My heart sank into my stomach and I felt like throwing up. My chest ached, my heart thrumming against my rib cage. She was meant to come home today and it was evening, meaning the Hogwarts Express had already arrived.

I did not have too much time for thinking, because after opening my eyes we were standing in front of their house. Everything was calm – too calm.

"Where to?" Lily screamed, panic obvious in her voice and on her face. They all gave me a panicked look and I had no idea where to. They could be everywhere.

The answer was taken from me when we heard a bone shattering scream coming from behind the house. My stomach cramped with nausea, my knees turned wobbly and I anguish mixed with fury coated my insides. If they had hurt my girl, none of them would stay alive that day.


Regardless of everything I started running. I heard Alastor shout something after me, but I needed to get to her as quick as possible, no matter what. I needed to be there now and couldn't care less about what would happen to me. Another scream followed and I sped up until I felt someone grab my arm. I was yanked back, slamming into a wall of muscles.


"What the fuck! Let go of me you idiot!" I spat, growling under my breath.
"Pads, if you go alone, you will most likely be dead within seconds. I know this is hard, but we need to plan that. We have now idea how many there are and you don't want all of us to get killed!"

I glared at James who still held tightly onto my arm, my chest against him.

"Two of us will go around this side, two around here, one trough the house and two of us apparate to the other side and attack from there," he commanded sternly and I nodded, wiggling out of his grip.

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