Chapter 39: Window Sill Kisses

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~3rd person POV~

Sunday was pretty uneventful since most of the day the Marauders spent their time in their dorm room either resting and sleeping or getting prepared for full moon. Also Mathilda did not leave the Hufflepuff common room a lot, since she had to do a lot work for school which she did not find time for on Saturday.

-Monday: History of Magic Class -

~ Mathilda POV ~

"Alright, for the groups we will just go in alphabetical order," professor Cuthbert Binns said, "Meaning, Mr Aubrey, Ms Bell and Mr Black, you will be a group. Next up we have Carrow, Davies, Deeks." He continued going through all the names.


It was not the first group work we had to do together, when teachers decided to go in alphabetical order it was always us three who ended up together, but that did not make the situation any better.

"You can start with your essay and presentation now and finish it after school, so that you are ready to present it in the next lesson," the professor said.

Emma and Britt also weren't too happy to have Alecto in their group, but at least they had each other. I turned towards Bertram who winked and patted the spot next to him, Regulus also turned towards him and moved his chair into his direction. I made my way over to them and sat down.

"Mate, do you know that she is hooking up with your brother?" Bertram suddenly blurted out, laughing to which he earned an annoyed glare from both Regulus and I.
"Yeah, I saw them yesterday. But, honestly, I couldn't care less who my stupid brother is sleeping around with," he said, a grimace on his face.

"Excuse me? It was just one date and could you please stop talking about my personal life, it is first of all none of your business and secondly does not matter right now. What matters right now is this essay and presentation," I grunted.

Bertram chuckled slightly before nodding. That stupid git. And I knew or at least had a feeling that Regulus did not mean it like that, Sirius was still his brother and even if he called him stupid he still cared about him.

After some time of planning the presentation about the witch trials of 1692 both of them decided that I had to write since they were not interested in it, but made up the excuse that I have the neatest handwriting. It was okay for me, since then it was at least done the way I wanted it to be done.

The lesson was soon over and we decided that we will meet in the Study Hall at 4:15 pm.

-time lapse 4:15-

I was currently on my way to the Study Hall thinking about Sirius, who I haven't seen the whole day. The entire group of boys wasn't there at breakfast and also later James just walked in for lunch, grabbed a few things and left again. I was getting really worried and decided if he does not show up for dinner either, I will walk to the Gryffindor common room and ask there for them.

In the Study Hall I then waited for around 10 minutes until the two Slytherin boys finally showed up. I had already picked up some books from the library and started jotting down some information on important facts about this witch trial.

"Sorry, we had Quidditch practice and it took us a bit longer," Regulus breathed while sliding onto the bench next to me and giving me a sympathetic smile. I smiled back nodding my head slightly. He was breathing heavily, panting, and quickly smoothed his hands down his thighs.

After more then two hours we finally finished and decided to head to the Great Hall. I had a really awful feeling in my stomach hoping Sirius would be there. 

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