Chapter 63: A Letter from Mathilda

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- already some weeks into the new school years; November 2rd -

This chapter will be slightly differently since most of it will just be a letter that she sends to Sirius

~ Mathilda POV ~

I was currently sat in History of Magic and it was utterly boring, so I decided that it was finally time to write a more lengthy letter for Sirius, for his birthday tomorrow. I quickly took out a piece of paper and started writing. I got Sirius a beautiful ring, with a lion engraving for his birthday. He started wearing rings and when I saw it I thought that is the perfect present.

Dear Sirius,

Where do I even start. First of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY. (Your present is in the tiny bag that comes along with this letter).

The happiest of all birthdays to you, you can't even imagine how much I would like to hug you right now and celebrate your birthday with you. I miss you incredibly much and can't even tell you how many times in the past weeks I just wanted you to be there and just hold me in your arms.

Things at Hogwarts have changed. I mean I am Head Girl now, still not used to that and not used to all the things I have to do, but I am getting into it. The problem is that guys like Bertram or Evan just won't listen to us, which makes it sometimes really difficult.

Also the thing with Mrs Stringer is not getting better and since she now gets support from the ministry, Dumbledore can't do anything against her. She keeps on putting detention on us for doing absolutely nothing. I spent the past two weeks completely in detention. Sirius, me! I never had detention, okay, that one time where I hexed Bertram, but otherwise never. And now? Now I don't even know what it feels like to not have detention.

She has an immense control over the whole school as well as Dumbledore and I am kind of afraid that she has connections to dark wizards too.

She teaches us literally nothing and on my essay about werewolves I got a ‚Dreadful' because I wrote that they are not only bad and man-slaughtering. She was convinced otherwise and said I am a stupid and naiv girl and will soon enough learn my lesson.

It is now the point that I am actually and truly afraid of her.

But enough of that. Another thing has happened that is quite frustrating. Hogsmead weekends got canceled. Dumbledore said it was too dangerous and we are only allowed to leave the castle with permission and have to at least be back within an hour. I sometimes pay Hagrid a visit, but he is always so nervous and afraid himself, since Lord Voldemort started recruiting giants.

Thanks to James invisibility cloak I at least can sneak out sometimes when I am brave enough, haha.

It is really annoying that Filch claimed your map last year and I still had no chance of getting it back, but I am trying. I couldn't find it in his office tough.

Now I am already writing too much, but I also need to tell you something else.

The girls and I are now quite convinced that Evan Rosier has joined the Death Eaters, I am not sure about Regulus, but I don't think so. I sit next to him and his sleeve moved up a bit last time and there at least was no tattoo. We also talked a bit, he seemed a bit tense but other than that as usual.

That is it for now. I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Enjoy your birthday and many kisses.

I love you so so much and miss you so incredibly much that it hurst.

-Love Mathilda

~ Sirius POV ~

After having returned from an Order mission, the boys and girls came over for a little pre celebration of my birthday. We all weren't very much in the mood for celebrating, as things in the wizarding world got more intense and severe and we were pretty exhausted from the previous days.

We just sat together, had dinner, drank some butterbeers and Firewhiskey and then just talked. They all stayed over night and in the morning I was woken by an owl tapping on the window in my kitchen.

I quickly made my way downstairs and Remus had already let the owl in. I quickly grabbed the letter and immediately had to smile. I wasn't sure if she remembered, we never really talked about my birthday. I quickly ripped the envelope open, reading the lines before throwing the letter on the table in disbelief. How terrible were things at Hogwarts and how worse would the still become?

Remus gave me a questioning look and took the letter into his hands, I just nodded and he started reading, while I opened the tiny bag.


It was an incredibly nice ring and I immediately put it on. God, I missed her like crazy. My little Hufflepuff. My girl. Right now I just wanted to go to Hogwarts and rescue her and take her home with me.

I was still nearly two months until she would return, how am I going to survive that.

The others were also in complete disbelief after reading the letter, how could their new professor be like that.

I intended on teaching her everything about defensive spells once she returns from Hogwarts. She was an Order member, she needed to be prepared and otherwise I would just be to afraid for her.

Honestly thank you to everyone who is reading this story. Please consider pressing the star icon if you liked the chapter :)

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