Chapter 87: Silent Night

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~ Mathilda POV ~

Time passed quicker than we liked it and soon it was Christmas, which Sirius and I would spend with mum, grandad and Andrew.

"You look breathtaking, pup," Sirius smiled, wrapping his arms around me from behind while I tried to fix my hair. 

"Thank you very much, you don't look too bad yourself," I chuckled, leaning my head onto his chest. With my hands I smoothed down the dark red velvet dress. "I wonder if next year on Christmas everything is already over," I said looking into the mirror and saw him place a kiss on my shoulder. "I hope. Everything will be fine by then and the war will be won." He smiled faintly and I knew he wasn't sure about it either.

I picked up the few bags with presents and a tiny suitcase, before Sirius snatched the suitcase out of my hand and whispering something like 'gentleman, my job', I chuckled, nodding and slipped into my jacket, before putting on my boots. Sirius did the same, before grabbing my hand and apparating us to my mother. Using a the motorcycle was not an option for me, for Sirius it was. But it was snowing outside, slightly raining too and it was cold and in addition I was wearing a dress. He pouted when I told him that I would prefer apparation, but he at some point thank god understood.

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"Ah, there you are come in, come in!" my mother beamed and the moment I stepped over the threshold the smell of Christmas dinner and cookies hit my nose. It smelled heavenly and I took a deep breath. "Sirius, good to see you, come here," my mother said, embracing him tightly. I had a feeling she started to like him more than me, joke. But she really loved him a lot, which was amazing. Sirius appreciated a lot, especially after having such a hard time with his own family and then losing James' parents too. "Good to see, too," he smiled, hugging her tightly while I made my way over to Andrew.

"In times like this it is good to see you smile," he told me, a sincere smile on his lips. "After all it is Christmas, a festivity of love!" I told him, also hugging him before making my way over to my grandfather who extended his hand to me. So formal, I shook his hand but also wrapped my arms around him. "How is everything going, grandfather?" I asked and he shrugged. "As usual. Nothing special going on." I chuckled. 

No, not at all, just a war. But I did not tell him that, it was good that he did to worry too much.

After Sirius had greeted Andrew he also walked over to my grandfather who also extended his hand to him. "You really look like your mother, Sirius Orion," he said and Sirius once again just thanked him, before sitting down next to me. My mother rolled her eyes at grandfather but he did not seem to notice and Sirius just shrugged it off. "Don't worry. How should he know?" he told me and I nodded, holding his hand firmly.

The dinner was lovely and we talked a lot about everything but the war. And of course we talked about Lily and James and Harry. My mother over an over repeated how young they were but that she is of course happy for them. She stressed the being so young part many times, always looking me directly into the eyes and I really had to bite the insides of my cheeks to hold back my laughter. She was so afraid I would get pregnant at nineteen. When she gave me another rather warning look it was enough for me. "Mum, please I won't get knocked up at nineteen," I told her, laughing and Sirius nearly choked on his drink. He stiffened next to me and cleared his throat. 

"Yes, I am sorry. It's just....No forget it!" she told me, now also chuckling softly. Andrew then changed the topic and talked a bit about his job and I grinned at Sirius, who slowly started to relax. I stroked the back of his hand with my thumb while cautiously listening to Andrew talk.

We stayed two more days with my family, just enjoying the time, talking, eating, forgetting about the war for a short time and being with each other.

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