Chapter 8: Home Sweet Home

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~ Mathilda POV ~

Overall, the rest of the year was pretty calm. I made great friends, passed my exams and tried to avoid the group of the four boys as much as I could. I found out that their names were James, the mean boy from the train, Sirius, who was Regulus' older brother, Remus, the tall boy and the stout one's name was Peter. The four boys were quite notorious at Hogwarts for -who would have guessed- their mischievous behaviour. They continued to pull pranks on us as they considered us to be easy targets. Well, thanks for that. But now negativity aside. Britt, Emma and Julie quickly became the best friends I could have ever hoped for and also Jesper and Ian became quite good friends to me.

While packing the rest of our things before leaving Hogwarts for the summer we talked about our year. About the very first time we set foot into school. About our very first school day, the sorting and teachers. We also exchanged adresses so we could write each other over the holidays and we planned that we were going to meet in Diagon Alley over summer to go shopping together.

What could I say? Although the first year had started not as I had hoped it turned out to be great and I couldn't be any happier with how everything -okay nearly everything- went this year.

The carriages took us back to Hogsmead Train Station where we boarded the Hogwarts Express that would take us back to King's Cross. Before, stepping into the train I looked back one more time. Taking a deep breath, I remembered the first time I stepped out onto the platform in Hogsmead. The smell was different now. The air and the grounds were dry and it smelled like summer, while some light wind was whispering in the trees and blowing through my hair. I was going to miss this place a lot but I was coming back in only a few weeks to which I was already looking forward to. Ha, funny you might think how the tables have turned. Nearly a year ago I did not want to leave home and now I was lookign forward to coming back to Hogwarts. Don't get me wrong. I was really looking forward to going home and spending time with my family and mostly to finally seeing my mum again.

The train ride passed quickly, we talked a lot about our summer plans and how much we are going to miss each other. When we arrived at King's Cross I immediatly sprinted towards my mum and hugged her. After saying some more goodbyes we than apparated home. Time for some relaxed summer holidays.

Coming home was lovely. My grandfather was already waiting for us to have dinner together. I had a feeling he was still disappointed that I got sorted into Hufflepuff which was also one of the reasons I kept it kind of a secret that only one of my friends that I made at Hogwarts was pureblood and three of them were muggleborn. Don't get me wrong I was not ashamed or anything. Not at all. I was really proud to have friends like that, but I just wanted to avoid drama and also I knew that I would be disappointed by his reaction and so better said nothing. Dinner was lovely, we talked a lot about everything also about Professor Slughorn. We played some wizarding games after dinner until I went up to my room where I already started unpacking my things. At some point I then collapsed on my bed and slept until ten or eleven the following day when I was awakened by the smell of breakfast.

Most of my first holiday days I spent helping my mum in the garden after she came home from work in the ministry, planting different kinds of plants, taking care of our pets, helping my grandpa with potions and practicing broom flying. Some days friends of my mother (of course only purebloods ha ha) came over, obviously also Bertram Aubrey with his mother. He still mocked me for being sorted into Hufflepuff and I simply tried to ignore him.

The days had passed really quickly and one day the girls and I had met up in Diagon Alley to do our school supplies shopping for going back to school in the following week. 

We had bought all sorts of things including quills, pencils, books and sweets and Britt got herself a Quidditch uniform as she wanted to try out for the Hufflepuff Quidditch team in the up-coming school year. We also grabbed some snacks and drank some nice cups of tea. Britt introduced us to Muggle music which I absolutely adored. I could unfortunately not remember any of the names except for "Dream On" by...I had absolutely no idea anymore because I would anyway not be able to listen to Muggle music at home.

To my mind the day had ended way too quickly, but at least my social battery was fully charged again and I was really looking forward to going back to Hogwarts.

When I returned home I showed mum what I got and immediatly packed the things in one of my suitcases. And so time flew and it was time to go back to school.

Oh and yes, if your were wondering what had happened to my owl—

 Well, he enjoyed most of his summer holiday days in the nearby forest until I caught him today to bring him back to school with me. Time to sleep. See you at platform 9 3/4 tomorrow.


Alright, so that's it so far for the first part of the story and for the first year. I will continue writing the story in the next days and also try to include Sirius and the other boys more and more in the story!

All the best and hope everyone has a nice day! :)

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