Chapter 13: I Love Him!

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◇ 3rd School Year 1974/75 ◇

~ Mathilda POV ~

"I don't know how it happened. Honestly. But I love him. I realsised over the summer holidays that I am mad for him. Oh, stop laughing, you lot. He is amazing in every possible way. Just look at him. He is gorgeous. You have to promise me not to tell anyone. Especially not him! Really!"

We all pressed our faces to the window of the Hogwarts Express to take a look. 

"Yes, of course he is handsome but we are 13. I doubt that this is true love, honey," Britt snickered, turning her head back. "I agree with Britt, although I think you and Ian would make a lovely couple," I said, turning towards Emma and patting her shoulder while giving her an encouraging smile. 

"Oh really?! Too young to be in love? You are idiots!" she exclaimed, trying to keep a straight face, but then bursting into laughter. Poor Emma had developed a terrible crush on Ian. I mean, yes, he was handsome and also quite athletic and charming, but still I could not 100% see what she saw in him. So we all sat there, laughing to each other until the door was suddenly ripped open by no other than Jesper and Ian. The joined us in the compartment with Jesper sitting down next to me and Ian taking his seat next to Emma. You could practically feel her tense up next to him and her cheeks flushed bright red. Great job at hiding your crush Emma!

She gave me a help me-look, but there was not really anything I could do and soon Ian, Britt and Jesper were quite occupied talking about Quidditch. Ian and Britt made it on the team last year, unfortunately Jesper did not. We all noticed that Emma felt really uncomfortable and since I anyway had to go to the loo she came along. "This is bad, Mathilda. What should I do? How should I act normal around him if he continues to look sooo handsome?" she said scrunching her eye brows. "I don't know. I wish I could help you, but unfortunately I cannot," I told her to which she just gave me a little smile.

Lucky for Emma, when we returned to the compartment Ian and Jesper had already left and we could then talked about anything and everything which the boys did not have to know about and of course also again about Ian.

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