Chapter 28: Sirius Black Never Blushes!

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- a few days later-

~ Sirius POV ~

I was currently sat in the dorm room while James was still in the common room talking to Evans. Moony was lying on his bed, reading something and humming calmly.
How could he always read? I mean I liked reading, too, but he practically lived in his books.
And then there was Peter. He was lying on his bed, eating something while balancing his wand on his knees, he sometimes looked over to where I sat, but then went back to focusing on his wand or the crackers in his hands.

I leaned back on my bed frame, loosening my tie before tossing it on the floor next me. My gaze was fixed on the map, one hand ruffling through my hair.

I was just watching the map, making sure we had made no mistakes and so, you know.

Alright, no. I was not 'just watching' the map. I was watching the Hufflepuff Common Room.

She was sat in the common room alongside some other people

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She was sat in the common room alongside some other people. I figured out that the blond curly-haired guy was probably called Jesper, as he was sitting there, too, with the girls.
Well, not just there, the idiot was sitting right next to Mathilda. Great. Just great.
There was also another boy named Ian, who I knew from Quidditch or rather from James talking about him and Quidditch. I looked at the map internally hoping that she would leave the guy and go back to her dorm room. There was some weird and odd feeling in my chest, making it twist and my stomach dip somehow. 

For how long were they going to sit there and why were they even sitting there together? When would she finally go to bed. She didn't have to spend the whole night in the common room? And she didn't have to spend the night with him. 

Wait a second. What the fuck?  I did not just again get jealous, did I?  We were not even together?
Jup, I definitely just did get jealous. Fuck, I was so weird.

What had she done to me?

"And who exactly are we stalking right now, Pads?" Remus suddenly said, putting a finger on the map, giving me a questioning look.
"Bloody hell, Lupin! When did you get here?" I jumped a bit giving him a shocked look. He just laughed out loud, grinning at me with a mischievous glint in his eyes, to which I just responded that it was none of his business, giving him an annoyed look. I actually did not want to be so rude to him since I kind of understood his curiosity. Especially since I had always made fun of Prongs for watching Lily on the map, but I really did not want to tell him who I was watching. I knew he wouldn't make fun of me, but still I wasn't really sure about my feelings yet.
I never fell in love and I cannot fall in love with someone like her.


And with that the door to the dorms flung open, slamming against the wall.

"Guess who? No, guess what? Just guess! Guys, I am luckiest guy in the world. And I am also the happiest guy in the world!" James shouted at the top of his lungs, so loud that probably even Dumbledore heard him in his office.

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