Chapter 66: Arresto Momentum

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~ Mathilda POV ~

The first days back at school were quite average, everything was pretty gloomy, not many happy feelings left. I spent a lot of time with Professor Sprout, helping her plant new Mandrakes and such things. We talked a lot about everything and anything. She was really afraid of the times ahead of us and I also told her that I feel quite anxious. She also told me that she despises Mrs Stringer and sometimes would like to poison her with one of her plants. I had to laugh very hard at what she said and she joined in, cheering us both up for a bit. We also talked about the future and she said, as my house teacher she would definitely suggest for me to either become a Magizoologist or Herbologist. I was really happy about that, since these were also the two things I considered becoming after school. But our future was not secured so I still kept my options open. Especially during war nothing was secured.

More and more teachers kept asking us whether we planned on doing the N.E.W.T.s in their subjects and my plan for the time being was to do them in DADA, Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, Herbology, Care of Magical Creatures and History of Magic.

Yes, I knew seven was quite a lot but I just couldn't make a decision and so I decided for them all.

I wasn't the best at Transfiguration but I had worked so hard for it in the past years, I just could not ditch it now. I would just study a lot and hard and it would work out, I -also to my surprise- had a good feeling about it.

Emma and Britt also chose seven subjects but replaced Care of Magical Creatures with Arithmancy. Both of them really had a talent for that, I did not. I hated numbers and actually all things that had to do with numbers and mathematics.

Head Girl duty was also going alright, we had to do a lot of work, always making sure no one left the castle without permission or did not return within an hour.

This afternoon there would finally be a Quidditch game. Dumbledore actually wanted to stop Quidditch for this year, as it seemed too dangerous to him, but many pupils protested and hence he allowed it.  Aurors would be there at all time and watch over the players but also the viewers.

We were currently sat in Potions, it was a theory lesson and so we could not do any practical work with liquids and cauldrons. The lesson wasn't too boring, we were revising for our exams and currently we talked about Felix Felicis. I had my chin placed in my hand and tried to carefully listen to Slughorn when I suddenly felt Emma slightly nudge me.

"If Jesper did not have a girlfriend I totally would think he fancied Mason. They always spend time together since being placed next to each other in DADA," she whispered, snickering.
I have never really thought about it, but now that Emma pointed it out, I also realised it; they did indeed spend a lot of time together. "Maybe they just became close friends?" I stated, thoughtfully.

"Hm, no I don't think so. Jesper and Ian are close friends, they act differently. I think they like each other as more than friends!" Emma said, convincingly. "Hm, now that you say it, I think you might be right!" I said, looking at them, smiling at each other while jotting down things on one piece of parchment in front of them. I had to smile, it actually would be really cute and Mason seemed like a really good guy.
"If you are correct, I really hope he breaks up with Sina, since that would not be fair for her," I stated and Emma nodded.

We watched them a bit longer and I had to smile, god how was I so oblivious, they might really fancy each other I just did not see that for so long.

"Alright Ms Bell, I hope you are paying attention. Could you please give the class a short summary of what I just said about Felix Felicis?" Slughorn asked, smiling at me.

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