Chapter 42: O Sweet Amortentia

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~ Mathilda POV ~

When we stepped into the Potions classroom I was immediately hit by a smell that somehow combined every smell that I liked. Wow. And I believed the girls felt the same way.

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"Good morning, class. I think you have already noticed the very peculiar smell that lies in the air. Today we will be brewing Armortentia. Can someone tell me something about it?" Slughorn asked and Emma's hand quickly shot up and he nodded towards her. "Amortentia is a love potion. A very strong, but also dangerous one, as it creates an obsession rather than true love. And in addition, it is rumored to smell differently to everyone according to what this person attracts." "Very good, Ms Deeks. 10 points to Hufflepuff!" Nice.

We then all went over to our cauldrons and got our books out to start with the potion. I collected a few ingredients and started putting them in.

First, the potion looked really strange but soon it turned into a light pink and shiny liquid and smelled absolutely heavenly. When our table (Emma, Britt, Julie, Jesper, Ian and I) was finished Julie said, "Okay, okay what does yours smell like?" We shrugged our shoulders and she chirped happily and continued, "Britt you start then!"

"All right, what does it smell like? Summer evenings and days at the beach. Also like strawberries and coconut and, oh Godrick, sweaty Quidditch uniform and -ahm- Logan's cologne and also his hair gel," she said, blushing. Emma was next. "Well, I do also smell Quidditch uniform. Leather. Butterbeer. Also the beach or rather the sea and that's it I guess." We all knew she was smelling Ian, but she was really good at hiding it.

Then it was my turn. "I smell, parchment, peppermint and rain. But also smoke, something that reminds me of fire whiskey and Sirius' cologne," I said. My cheeks heated and I looked into my cauldron, grinning to myself. But then–

What the hell was that smell that suddenly hit my nose?

My eyes suddenly got wide.

This liquid smelled like fur. Like fur! Like dog fur! DOG!?

For a moment I thought I was going crazy, shaking my head and I quickly told the others that that was all. Maybe I spent much time with animals or I was really going crazy?
Next up was Jesper.

Great here we go.

"Ahm, well. I also smell strawberries and summer evenings. But also roses and vanilla. And, hm what –apricots?" he said, chuckling slightly. Apricots?

Guess whose aunt had made her niece a perfume that smells like fresh apricots and roses? Guessed right, mine.

I politely smiled at him and Ian continued. All of us girls where bound to his lips hoping he would say what we wanted to hear.

"Mine smells like roses, too, but also like books, and cookies. Also a bit of gasoline and ahm, Emma's shampoo!" Emma's eyes widened and I had to smirk. Finally. A cocky smiled appeared on his face when winked at her.

After we were finished Slughorn collected all the potions to make sure we would not take advantage of them and use it for their personal love life.

We probably were a bit too long in that room without windows, surrounded by this potion and I felt like I was high on love potion and all I wanted right now was to see Sirius. Thank god it was the last lesson of the day meaning I was actually going to see him soon. I was not the only one feeling like that and when we went past Slughorn, somehow as light as fairies, he gave us a weird but also concerned look.

Well, professor, a nice advice, do not put teenagers who currently experience their first loves in a room without windows and let them brew a love potion that is all about smell.

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