Chapter 35: More Than a Woman

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For the first part of this chapter, I took inspiration from a story I read on tumblr but I just cannot find it anymore to give credits to the author. I loved this story so much and hence I adapted what I still remembered and rewrote it!

-the following Monday-

~ Mathilda POV ~

After sitting down in class I glanced at my book which was supposed to be my book for DADA but what was it? It was not the book for DADA, it was my Potions book and I already began cursing myself.
Not again, why do things like this always happen to me? 
I quickly got up and told my friends that I would sprint back to the dorm room to grab my actual book. There was still enough time and I wasn't really keen on getting detention for bringing the wrong book. I quickly ran out of class, down the stairs, down corridors, again stairs and through the barrels. I arrived at the the dorms panting, exchanged my books and made my way back. I took one glance at the the clock and panicked a bit. I tried to speed up, keeping my gaze on the ground, I ran through the corridors up the stairs and


I crashed into someone with full force and started tumbling back. The feeling of pure helplessness made my stomach churn.

Oh, no, no, noo. Not again.

I was not ready to slide down the whole stairs again, especially not if it meant having to walk them up again. Suddenly I felt a strong grip on my arm and someone pulling me back to which I stopped tumbling.

I looked up and -who would have guessed- I looked into the eyes of Sirius who gave me a shocked look. Oh, god. Did I hurt him when my head slammed against his chest?

"I am so sorry. Truly sorry. I hope I did not hurt you," I stammered. "I should have looked up. I am sorry. And oh holy Helga, the lesson has already started I really need to rush. I am so sorry again. Really, I hope you are not hurt," I said to him once again, trying to push past him and James, nearly tripping over my own feet. "Hey, hey. Don't worry, no harm done, love. But be a little more careful next time! You could really get hurt if you always keep your gaze on the ground," he expressed behind me, winking at me when I looked at him over my shoulder. I shyly smiled at him, apologising again, then I made a jump and started running.

~ Sirius POV ~

James and I were currently roaming around the castle, not really sure what we were actually up to. We had a free period and did not want to waste our time doing homework like Moony and Wormtail.

James was talking about Lily and about how they are now officially dating and how amazing it is since they are also Head Boy and Girl. I was quit caught up in the conversation while we walked down the stairs when James suddenly said, "Woah, watch ou—"

But it was too late. The Hufflepuff girl crashed into me with full force. After realising what just happened I quickly grabbed her arm since she started tumbling back and was close to falling down the stairs. This situation somehow gave me a deja-vu, but I could not really tell why.

Oh, god it suddenly hit me. Was it her who fell down the stairs after I bumped into her years ago? She had made an awful remark about my family which had really hurt me back then. It could have been her, but I wasn't quite sure.

Her big brown eyes suddenly looked up at me in shock and she started stammering, "I am so sorry. Truly sorry. I hope I did not hurt you! I should have looked up. I am sorry. And, oh holy Helga, the lesson has already started I really need to rush. I am so sorry again. Really, hope you are not hurt." I had to hold back my laughter. How could a person apologise so many times for literally doing nothing wrong? And look so utterly adorable? Yes, she ran into me, but there are definitely worse things.

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