Chapter 58: Rock N' Roll is Here to Stay

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- a few days have passed, now already closer to the end of the holidays-

~ Mathilda POV ~

After stepping out of the shower and putting on my clothes that I already had laid out onto bathroom floor, I quickly unbraided my hair. I really liked the method because you had curls but they did look very natural. I also again applied just the tiniest amount of mascara as well as lipstick and a bit of perfume. The whole bathroom smelled like a perfumery, since Sirius took a shower earlier and also sprayed on quite a huge amount of cologne.

I took one last look into the mirror, being really happy about the outfit, that I bought just the other day when I was shopping with the girls, and stepped outside to walk down to the living room where he was waiting.

I took one last look into the mirror, being really happy about the outfit, that I bought just the other day when I was shopping with the girls, and stepped outside to walk down to the living room where he was waiting

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It was Jordan's birthday party today and Julie insisted that we all should come and also bring our boyfriends. I was extremely looking forward to it since this would be the first muggle party that I would ever attend; there were only going to be 8 people who were wizards and witches.

I took the last step, walking extremely carefully and cautiously since I was wearing heals and I immediately had to admire Sirius. He was leaning against the doorframe and reading the Daily Prophet while his black curls fell in front of his face and eyes slowly drifted over the paper.

"Have you got any idea how handsome you look?" I said, crinkling my nose and giggling trying super hard to not start drooling over my deadly handsome and absolutely delicious looking boyfriend

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"Have you got any idea how handsome you look?" I said, crinkling my nose and giggling trying super hard to not start drooling over my deadly handsome and absolutely delicious looking boyfriend.

Being ripped out of his reading his eyes instantly shot up and he looked me up and down, his mouth slightly parting before a smirk appeared on his lips.

"Have you got any idea how hot and stunning you look, pup?" he said, putting down the news and walking over. He stopped right in front of me, took both my hands into his and just looked into my eyes. Always this intense eye staring. It made me really weak.

I started blushing slightly and again scrunched my nose before he place a kiss on top of it.

"I mean, I love parties, but seeing you like that right now, we might also have a change of plans and rather stay home? And slowly peel those beautiful clothes off your stunning body," he drawled, an innocent look on his face while raising an eyebrow.

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