Chapter 62: Things Will Never Be the Same

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~ Mathilda POV ~

"Guys, wake up! We overslept, school starts in 15 minutes!" I suddenly heard Britt shout, jumping around in the dorm room and my eyes shot open. Fuck, we forgot to set an alarm last night, being too occupied with talking and then we just fell asleep.

We all quickly got up, rushed around in the dorm room, then into the bathroom, got dressed, ditched breakfast and sprinted to the DADA classroom. Great, first day and a new teacher and we are late.

We only were 2 minutes late so we did not expect the worst when we bursted into the classroom, stress and too little sleep probably quite obvious on our faces, and no idea how wrong we were about it being no problem.

"So sorry professor, we know it is the first day but we forgot to set an alarm and overslept. We are truly sorry!" I said, completely out of breath while walking towards an empty table.

"I must admit that that is not only completely immature but also quite stupid at your age, girls. You soon will be grown up women, mistakes like this should simply not happen. You will get away with detention this afternoon. If it happens again the punishment will not be so nice," Mrs Stringer said with a sweet and high-pitched voice, turning towards us, pushing a strand of hair over her shoulder and flashing us a fake smile.

What the bloody hell? I knew that something was up with her, but that is next level rude.

"What? It is the bloody first day of school, that can happen!" Julie blurted out.

"Watch you mouth, young lady! Things like this can happen, but won't happen in my class! Your names?"

"Bell, Mathilda Bell!"
"Emma Deeks!"
"Davies, Britt Davies!"
"Juliette Smith!" Julie growled, clenching her jaw and giving her dead pan.

We then wanted to sit down before she turned towards us, shaking her head, taking a piece of parchment out of her pocket and speaking again.

"I do not like the order you sit in. I made my own plan for how you should sit! Starting here," she pointed to the table in front of her.

"Ian Tanner and Bertram Aubrey." Both Ian and Bertram looked shocked, glaring at each other.

"Evan Rosier and Britt Davies." What the hell was going on here? Britt shook her head in disbelief a sad look on her face.

"Jesper Fuller and Mason Baker." Oh thank god, at least on of us was lucky. Mason was a kind, pretty tall and handsome Ravenclaw guy with ash-blond hair. He was always really calm and hid his head in his books. He reminded me a bit of Remus, they were really quite similar. When he sat down he gave Jesper a small smile which Jesper returned.

Mrs Stringer then reached the last row on the window side and said, "Regulus Black and Mathilda Bell!"

Uh, great, it could be worse though. At least I now could keep an eye on him, as I promised Sirius.

He did not seem too happy either while we both made our way towards the last row.

Julie got placed next to Oliver McKinnon, but poor Emma had to sit next to Alecto Carrow.

I really did not understand what the whole plan or idea behind that was. Did she just want to make our lives worse or what was the deal with her?

"In this class there will be no foolish wand waving or silly incantations. In the lessons from now on we will focus on the exact and perfect preparation for your N.E.W.T.s. You can put your wands away, you won't be needing them. If you study hard enough you will be rewarded, if you don't do it you will face severe consequences!"

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