Chapter 48: Happy Birthday, Love

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~ Mathilda POV ~

"Wake up, wake up, waaaake up!" Julie shouted while jumping up and down on my bed and hitting me with a pillow. What a nice way to be woken up on your birthday. Yes, today was my birthday, Sunday June the 4th 1978, the day I was turning seventeen. "Happy Birthday, sweetheart!"

"Get, up, sleepy head! Happy Birthday," now also Emma said while sitting down on my bed, poking me with her index fingers. "Happy Birthday, Tills. We have a whole day planned for you, or at least 3/4 since Sirius wanted to steal some time away from us," Britt said while rolling her eyes, but a grin quickly creeping onto her lips.

"Now, poor Emma here is the only one who is not yet seventeen. Only 2 months left though," Britt continued, laughing loudly to which Emma gave her an annoyed look, huffing under her breath. The other two had already turned seventeen, Britt in September and Julie in February.

"Thanks, I mean if the two of you would not sit on me I could actually get up," I expressed, chuckling while laying back on my bed.

"We need to pick out the perfect birthday outfit. Since it is Sunday it means no school uniform." Julie started running towards my wardrobe, ripping the doors open. I shouted a 'No please' after her, but it was too late, since she already was throwing my clothes out of the wardrobe and onto the spot in front of my bed.

I did like birthdays, unless they were my own. I was never really fond of celebrating my birthday, it was just too much attention, which I really did not enjoy.

"No, Mathilda, just for you I put on one of my favourite dresses, just for your birthday. You have to dress up a bit too, now." Julie was wearing a lilac knee-long dress with big flowers on it, paired with some big ear loops also in lilac.

She then picked out an outfit for me that was okay, it was really nice and not too eye-catching.

She then picked out an outfit for me that was okay, it was really nice and not too eye-catching

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I let my hair naturally flow, reaching down to my waist. On a normal school day I always had my hair either in a bun, braided or in a ponytail, since I thought that was more appropriate for school.

"God, you are so pretty, I sometimes really get jealous," Emma squealed before running to me and embracing me in a bone-breaking hug. "Oh shut up, you! You are incredibly stunning too!" I said, giving her a big, toothy grin.

After everyone was fully dressed we then decided to go to the Great Hall to have breakfast and I really hoped that except for my friends and a few other people, no one would remember my birthday.

I always noticed how for example the Marauder boys celebrated their friends birthday, cheering and jumping around excitedly while singing Happy Birthday in the Great Hall. We were a bit late and so when we walked in there were already nearly all students there. We passed the Slytherin table and Bertram suddenly got up and walked up to me, a smug expression on his face. "Happy Birthday, Mathilda," I looked at him in utter surprise, first of all because I had no idea he remembered and secondly, because I had definitely forgotten his birthday (not that I wanted to remember but anyways).

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