Chapter 84: You Are Not a Bad Person

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~ Mathilda POV ~

Immediately after my birthday Sirius, Jesper, Remus and I went on another Order mission and so did Dorcas, Peter, Marlene and Mary. Alastor put us in those groups and well we had to accept it. Sirius insisted on us being in a group because he - since the Fenrir Greyback incident - wanted to keep an eye on me all the time. The evening of my birthday all of them came over and Sirius of course told all of them about the engagement. They all were happy and excited for us. Jesper was also happy, truly happy. Our friendship was good again, better than ever before probably since now from his side there were no longer romantic feelings involved.

"Alright, let's head to the Headquarters shall we?" Sirius suggested, throwing another empty bottle of Firewhiskey into the bin. "Who drank all of that?" he laughed, scratching his neck and I gave him a reproachful look. 

"Ahm, let me think. You, Jesper and Marlene did," I laughed and he nodded. "Makes sense, telling from how bad my head hurts," he groaned, bracing his hands on the table. 

"Great and this is how you are going on a mission now?" I breathed out, approaching him. "Want to stay at home?" 

"Definitely not. I have to protect you!" 

"Sirius!" I exclaimed. 

"I can protect myself, don't do this because of me." He assured me over and over again that it was fine, that he was sober and that he was definitely going to join us and also that he knew that I was capable of protecting myself. When we arrived at the Headquarters Jesper looked similarly hammered and Alastor immediately rebuked both of them. They stood their like small teenage boys, after getting punished for getting drunk for the first time. Remus and I watched from afar and had to laugh very hard.

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For hours we have been running through a forest now, chasing after Death Eaters, firing spells and protecting us from their curses and spells. We ran at full speed, trying to not trip and fall. It was really sweltry outside and sweat dripping form my forehead. Remus was pretty exhausted too, the full moon was just three days ago and yesterday was my birthday party. Now he only had Sirius to keep him under control because we all decided that for James it was too dangerous. I mean I also believed for Sirius it was too dangerous and actually did not want him to do it, but first of all he insisted and secondly, I of course understood what it meant for them. Remus tried to keep up with us as good as possible. Jesper and Sirius were running at the very front, which really surprised after how drunk the were last night. But Sirius had gotten quite athletic over the past months, or year, and his long legs were also definitely of benefit. And Jesper was anyways very athletic from being on the Quidditch team and also playing a Muggle game called football. It has been raining for the past three days and so the mud and wet leaves were splashing into our faces and on our bodies. My feet and shoes were completely covered in mud and leaves and tree branches tangled in my hair.

I was totally exhausted, panting heavily, trying to chase after them. And we did it. We could catch them. But they fought back, firing all kinds of curses at us. „Crucio!" I heard who I thought was Travers shout and Sirius seized on the ground.I saw red and immediately pointed my wand towards him. 

"Stupefy!" I shouted and added a bit too much force to the spell which fired Travers was directly against a tree and I swore that I could hear his head crack open. I was shocked and nearly dropped my wand. I did not kill him, did I? I could not have killed someone. No. NO. No. My legs began to shake and thank Godrick the support who would get them and bring them away arrived in that moment.

I dropped onto my knees, burying my face in my hands, panting and shivering and soon I felt hands on my shoulders. "Thank you for saving my life!"

"I killed him. I killed.....a man...... Sirius, did I take his life?" I cried out. "He would deserve it, Death Eater filth," Sirius groaned, helping me stand up from the ground.

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