Chapter 43: Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy

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~ Mathilda POV ~

The following days and weeks were -what could I say - really amazing. It was really good having Sirius. I liked him so much and talking to him was somehow different than talking to my friends. He understood so many things, because he had experienced them they same way I did. He knew what difficult family structures and blood supremacy meant and he also understood me.

And Sirius was a boyfriend that loved small gesture, always making me smile from the bottom of my heart.

And one of those small gestures, one of those tiny amazing things he did, was writing tiny notes and placing them somewhere in my books or cloak. The notes were sometimes funny, telling me really bad jokes, mocking Bertram or other Slytherins, but also sometimes just incredibly cute, short messages. I sometimes really questioned t myself how I had gotten so lucky that I was with him.

Yes, he had been Hogwarts most notorious heartthrob but he somehow had really changed. James Potter called it whipped and that had him completely wrapped around my finger.

Just the other day there had been a note in cloak that I had randomly found when I was looking for a tissue. How had he gotten into my cloak?

Dear amazingly beautiful girlfriend,
Will you do me the honour, of going to Hogsmead
with me this weekend?

I had to chuckle loudly, wow not at all cheesy, and he could have just asked in person, but nope that was not the Sirius-way of doing things. I had told him later when I had met him in a corridor that I would really like to go to Hogsmead with my amazingly beautiful boyfriend.

And so as the days started to get warmer and the snow slowly disappeared from the highlands of Scotland it was time for Hosgmead-weekend. Only that time everything was different than all the other times before.

That was my first time not going to Hogsmead with the girls and boys. Britt would go with Logan, Sirius and I would go together and Emma, Julie, Jesper and Ian would go as a group of four.

Julie had been asked by at least five boys in the past week if she would like to go on a date with them, but she always declined, only thinking about her Jordan who was waiting for her at home. I found it quite amazing how well this relationship lasted and worked out since they saw it each so little, but nonetheless I was absolutely happy for her, for them.

It was currently breakfast time when Jesper stormed in and placed a copy of the Daily Prophet right in front of us on the table.

"Seven muggles disappeared and four found dead in an alley! Where will this all go?"

He shook his had while sitting down next to me. It more and more became clear that we are living in a war.

Although Hogwarts could block out most of it and shield us from the terror outside, the situation still became more terrifing every day. And so did the Dark Lord.

I also shook my head before wrapping an arm around Jesper's shoulder. He was getting extremely worried lately, being terrified that something would happen to his parents, and so did Britt and Emma which was very understandable.

I wanted to help them, but I had no idea how. I did not know how that felt. The pureblood status and being ranked among the Sacred 28 always protected me from problems like that. Yes, in the eyes of other pureblood wizards and witches I was seen as a bloodtraitor, but since they valued my family and especially my grandfather so much, I was solely marked as a disgrace to the wizarding world and that was it. No threat was put upon us, or that was at least what I had thought.

I gently stroked Jesper's shoulder who just buried his head in his hands.

"I don't get it. Why does this all have to happen?" he stammered. Ian tried to give him an answer and comfort him, but he was in the same boat as I am and also did not know how that really felt. He failed at answering him, his words dying in his throat.

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