Chapter 71: One Last Time

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~ Mathilda POV ~

"Before" -kiss- "You leave" -kiss- "I" -kiss- "Have something" -kiss- "for" -kiss- "You." 

Sirius was kissing every possible body part that was reachable for him in that moment–my nose, my eyes, my cheek, my neck, my cleavage. I hummed lightly, brushing my hands through his hair.

 What?" I eagerly asked, grinning and he lifted his head to smile at me.

He pushed himself up on the bed and said, "Close your eyes, pup." I flashed him a slightly unsure look, raising one brow.

"Seriously, don't you trust me? Don't you trust your loving and amazing boyfriend?" he pouted and I laughed at how adorable he looked.

"I don't know. No, joking, alright, I am waiting." I slowly closed my eyes not sure what to expect when I felt him shift on the bed and roll over. I heard that he opened the drawer of the bedside table, before moments later closing it again. Okay, I was excited.

I kept my eyes closed, although I really wanted to look what he was getting.

He placed a kiss against my brow and I took this moment to inhale his scent. Holy Helga, he really smelled like heaven.

"Alright, put you hand forward, but don't open your eyes." I slowly moved my hand forward, my palm upwards and I felt him place something on my skin.

"Now open," he breathed against my lips before placing a kiss on my lips. I slowly opened my eyes and had to smile instantaneously. The smile crept up my cheeks and made me grin from ear to ear.

"A lucky clover!" I expressed.

My boyfriend only rolled his eyes. Pardon?

"No, woman, not a lucky clover. The lucky clover you gave me last year."

He pursed his lips, shaking his head. Now my eyes went wide and I gasped.

" kept it?" I asked in utter surprise. He kept the lucky clover. He really kept it. I had never thought that he would keep it. My heart did one flip after the other and my stomach told me to squeeze him until he could no longer breath.

"Yes, of course. Why should I not keep it!?" He beamed and I quickly wrapped my arms around him, squeezing him until he could not longer breath. His chest vibrated against mine.

"But now I want you to, oh Godrick, love I cannot breath anymore," I slowly pulled back, grinning at him from the bottom of my heart. "Now I want you to have it...for your exams and all of that." I once again pressed him to me, feeling him chuckle into the crook of my neck while he ran his hand over my back.

"You have no idea, how happy that makes me. Thank you!" I expressed, tightly curling my hands around his neck. One of his hands moved to the nape of my neck and he placed a sloppy kiss on my shoulder.

"This is the last time, I am going back. The very last time, which is really strange, don't you think?" I whispered after a few seconds, not having fully realised that this would really be my very last time of taking the Hogwarts Express back to Hogwarts. One last time arriving in Hogsmead and taking the carriages back to the castle.

"Yeah, it is wicked how fast time passes, isn't it?" I nodded my head, looking out of the window. "One year ago, it was the first time that I visited you at home, that you introduced me to your mum and I couldn't even imagine what it would be like to be without you. To not have you in my life," he mumbled against the side of my face, now also looking out of the window.

Then I felt his gaze on me and slowly turned my towards him. He was scanning my face, looking like he was examining every small detail of it.

"You have no idea how happy you make me, love. You have no how much you mean to me. How lost I would be without you. How utterly complete you make me and how much I actually need you in my life. How much light you bring into my life and how good I feel in your company."

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