Chapter 83: A Ring?*

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~ Mathilda POV ~

Britt was now officially living in the US but she constantly sent us letters and post cards, telling us how she was doing, what they already saw and how Quidditch is going. I hung her letters on the fridge, sending her an howler back, telling her how much I missed her and to stay safe.

Emma and Ian also managed to get over their troubles and they finally moved in together. Ian was now constantly focused on Quidditch and becoming a professional player although this is pretty difficult due to the war now. Sirius and I watched him play one time alongside Emma, but everyone was incredibly tense, not knowing if Death Eaters would show up.

Oh and talking about Death Eaters: They showed up in the ministry scaring everyone to death and causing trouble as well as hurting people. Mum gladly got away with just a bruise but now everyone working in the ministry is at high alert. We also work none stop in the Order, constantly going on missions and bursting into Death Eater meetings. The missions got more and more intense, the Death Curse is used basically every time and we also lost a few of our Order members already.

Emma and Ian decided not to join the Order, as they were first of all too afraid and secondly they thought they would anyway be useless. Which was bullshit. They would not be useless but obviously we could not force them and had to accept their decision. But the assured us to support us as good as possible outside of the Order.

Jesper was now an official member, joining us on many missions and he and Sirius finally got along and also Julie was going to join soon. Sirius and Jesper really started liking each other, not like best friends but as colleagues. Sirius finally saw that Jesper really wasn't interested in me anymore and rather started fancying guys over girls.

Lily stopped going on missions. Obviously as she was pregnant. It was currently June and the baby would soon be here. The pregnancy went rather all right. Not a lot of morning sickness and she did not really feel any pain. James also decided to not go on missions anymore, not wanting to leave Lily at home alone for so long. We all understood and of course accepted his decision. They came around to visit a lot and we talked about names. Lily fancied the names Harry if it was a boy and Amy if it would be a girl. We also liked the names although Sirius suggested calling him Sirius Jr. or Sirius James Jr. He and James were 100% sure that the baby would be a boy, while I was convinced it would be a girl. Sirius and I even made a bet on what it would be and I really hoped that I would win. The betting debts would be, doing the whole day what the other person says and instructs and since knowing Sirius' brain far too well by now, this made me quite nervous.

Sirius also had a brilliant idea the other day. Tattoos. We should get matching tattoos or at least tattoos that stood for the other person. Not gonna lie, I loved the idea. So we went to a tattoo shop, I got asked at least five times if I was old enough and had to convince them until they finally agreed to tattoo me. Sirius did not only get one tattoo, no he got one for each of his friends and one for me. So he had a moon for Remus, a pair of antlers for James and rat feet for Peter tattooed on him. On his rip cage under his heart he then had my name tattooed and I just looked at him wide-eyed, tears forming in them.

"Boy, are you sure about this? The name of a girl?" the tattoo artist had asked Sirius with a raised brow. Sirius had quickly handed me his shirt and climbed onto the stool. "I am 100%...and not just a girl, my girl. My girl who I want to spend the rest of my life with!" Sirius answered, grinning from ear to ear. When I furiously blushed, the tattoo artist released an amused chuckle, lowering the needle to my boyfriend's chest.

I had a paw and the date we started dating tattooed on the inside of my left arm and a flower for my mother behind my ear. We were more than happy with the tattoos and kept on looking at them all the way home.

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