Chapter 82: I Missed You Guys

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- little time laps-

~ Mathilda POV ~

"Alright, baby, I will be back by.....very late, I think! Bye," I told Sirius before grabbing my jacket and opening the door. He, Peter, James and Remus were going to make a boys evening in his flat and I was going to meet up with my girls.

Unfortunately for a rather sad occasion.

Britt was now finally going to leave for America with Logan and we would help her pack the last things and make a girls evening. "Sure, love. Enjoy yourself and don't drink too much," Sirius snickered, before kissing me and I apparated after wickedly grinning at him.

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"Ahh, Tills. My baby Tills!" Julie shouted running towards me, lifting me up and spinning me around.

We hadn't seen each other in quite a while, since she had been travelling around Great Britain with Jordan. I hugged her back tightly and also Britt who stood in the middle of many travelling boxes. We waited for Emma, who soon after also arrived.

"Ugh, sorry Ian is an idiot," she blurted out while hugging us.

"Aww, did he not want to let you go?" Julie asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

"I wish. No, we fought again because he is going for a drink with his female co-worker today. That awful bitch. He is constantly going for drinks with her. Honestly, why?" she grumbled, a sad look on her face before sitting down on the couch.

"Don't worry, Ian is a good guy he would never betray you," I assured her, placing my hands on her knees. She just shrugged her shoulders, staring holes into the carpet on the floor.

"Has anyone of you heard anything from Jesper or is he also ignoring you?" Britt then asked, handing us glasses of butterbeer and also sitting down on the couch.

"Nope, nothing. I have sent him at least five letters and he answered one, saying he is fine and that was it! But I sent him another one that I would like to meet up with him at some point, but no answer yet," I told them, shrugging.

"Ian says that he is sleeping around quite a lot. Trying out a lot of things. Whoring around a bit," Emma chuckled and we all gave her a funny and slightly perplexed look. No idea what was up with Jesper lately. Was it the war or him trying to figure out whether he is into men or women or something completely different?

We continued talking about Ian and Jesper for a while and also about Hogwarts and how things had changed now that we were no longer in school. We also talked a bit about my injuries and how everything has healed.

While talking we started packing and downing a few butterbeers as well as a few glasses of Firewhiskey.

I was going to miss Britt like crazy, it was mad just thinking about her living so far away.

For hours we just sat in her flat, drinking, packing and laughing. We also cried. Cried a lot. Talking about memories from school time and crying again. And then sobbing loudly into each others chest, having abolsutely drunken and emotional conversations about how we had first met and had been put into a dorm room together.

When the sun started to rise we were all hella drunk, nearly falling over each other and constantly laughing about completely unfunny things. Britt was meant to be picked up by Logan at 7am so that they could catch their plane. It this point even small crumbles on the floor seemed utterly hilarious and we once again bursted into laughter.

But then—

Then the horn of Logan's car sounded and we all knew what that meant.

All laughter died down within the blink of an eye.

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