Chapter 89: The Dark Mark*

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~ Mathilda POV ~

After some peaceful hours of sleep, it was currently probably around two or three at night, I was awoken by feeling lips on my neck and shoulder and a hand slowly reached under the bed sheets. Sirius' fingers ran up my inner thigh and I hummed, feeling his tongue run over my earlobe, slightly nibbling on it.

"What- what are you doing?" I murmured in a sleepy voice but he just kept on doing what he started, not answering me.

"First of all, it is the middle of the night and I am more than tired and secondly, we cannot do that five nights in a row. I need to sleep at some point, mister," I finally breathed, turning around and poking his chest.

"I don't see a reason why we cannot do that five nights in a row," he mumbled before placing his lips on mine and grabbing my leg to pull it over him.

"Sirius, I am tired as hell," I whined, pulling away from the kiss.

"You will be awake soon, love," he smirked, before a wicked grin spread over his face.

"Why are you not tired? Haven't you slept?" I asked, sleepily. 

"Nope, I couldn't sleep. I have been thinking," he answered, voice raspy.

I closed my eyes, taking in a deep breath.

"Let's make a baby!" he blurted out and my eyes shot open. I shot him a look of utter surprise and also...disbelief.

"N-now?" I stammered, looking into his eyes and he nodded leaning forward to kiss me again. "Yes, now!"

"No, no baby. I am nineteen. That is too early," I stammered, looking into his sad face.

"Hm, you might be right. But I want a child!" he whined, pouting. "We will have Harry over more often! But for now I really just want this war to be over, to keep on fighting Death Eaters and not having to worry about my child being born into wartime," I breathed out, also a sad look on my face. I leaned upwards to kiss his pale, cool cheek.

It was true, I could not give birth to a child right now, or in a few months, not when everything, our future, was so unclear. I did not want my child to grow up in times like this. Not when war was still fully going on. I wanted to marry him. I wanted a child with him. More than one. Children. I often thought about it. If they would look like him or rather like me. I wanted nothing more than that. But not now. Once this was all over. Then. After the war.

"You are right, I did not think about that. But once the war is over, marriage and baby!?" he chuckled and I nodded enthusiastically.

"Then, yes of course, nothing I look more forward to. Our little family!"

"Our little pure-blood family. My mother would be so proud! We continue to be in the Sacred 28." Sirius laughed out, rolling his eyes. "Sirius!" I exclaimed, hitting his shoulder and laughing into his chest.

I leaned back a bit, so that I could face him.

I looked into his beautiful face, the long dark lashes covering his grey eyes, the black locks falling into his face and over his shoulders and the toned chest.

"Like what you see?" he smirked, his arm was wrapped around me and my leg hung over his waist.

"Very much to be honest. I love you so so much," I said before placing a kiss on his lip.

I tangled my hand in his hair, pulling him closer to me. Then I quickly pulled away and rolled over on the bed so that I could reach the bedside table. I quickly grabbed the box on top of it, pulling out a condom, rolling over again and placing it into Sirius' hand while smiling brightly at him.

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