Chapter 36: Minnie the Matchmaker?

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- a few days later; Friday -

~ Mathilda POV ~

"Well, you and your stupid mudblood friends are not only a disgrace for the whole wizarding world, but you are actually really disgusting. Evan, mate, do you smell what I smell? It smells like dung and mud," Bertram said while we passed them and Evan Rosier just laughed out and walked up to his friend, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Probably coming from the two dunglickers and their awful friends there."

We just tried to ignore them and kept on walking. "Did you not hear, we are talking to you, scumsuckers? You are the same disgrace as your filthy mother, sleeping around with werewolves!"

That was enough! Insult me, okay, but not my friends and most definitely not my mother.

"You. You disgusting piece of rubbish. If you ever dare to talk about my mother or my friends like that I will hex you, so that you won't recognise yourself in the mirror anymore!" I shouted at him, glaring and pulling out my wand.

When he saw the wand he wanted to turn around and run but I was faster.

"Locomotor Mortis."

A few steps into running, his legs suddenly stuck together and he face-forward tripped and landed on his face. I grinned in triumph and the people in the corridor bursted into laughter.


"Detention both of you! And apologise!" McGonagall suddenly shouted stepping into the corridor and I rolled my eyes, before nodding at here, feeling the heat rush into my cheeks and the shame washed over me, coating the back of my mouth with a bitter taste.


◇ ◇ ◇

Bertram and I were currently walking towards McGonagall's classroom where detention was held.


I had never had detention before. Ever. In my whole life. But Bertram seriously managed to make it happen. I was extremely annoyed and kept an angry expression on my face when we entered the classroom. There were already a few people there, some Slytherins and Gryffindors.

Sirius and Marlene for example.

The two of them sat in the last row clearly not minding being in detention as I believe this was quite usual for them.

"Ah, there you are finally, Ms Bell, Mr Aubrey. Take your seats and wait until I assign you what you have to write as a punishment."

I kept my eyes on the floor, feeling Sirius' eyes on me and feeling slightly embarrassed. Bertram sat down and patted the seat next to him smirking at me.

He was not for real right now, was he?

I just quickly walked past him and sat down in front of Marlene and Sirius. It was the only empty table and I really did not want to sit next to Bertram. After Minnie told the others what they have to write she went over to Marlene and Sirius slightly shaking her head and saying, "I shall not, try to transform my classmates into objects or animals without knowing a spell to transform them back! 20 times." They both chuckled slightly to which she just turned around walking towards me and I held my breath.

"Now to you. Ms Bell, I am really disappointed in you. You will be writing, I shall not threaten to hex fellow pupils as well as not apply the Leg-Locker Curse on my classmates. 15 times!" I dipped my chain and said, "I am sorry, but.. but I did not mean to, he called me a Scumsucker and Emma a Mudblood and then I just snapped."
"Yes, this is unacceptable behaviour, hence why he is also in detention, but also your behaviour was unacceptable," she said, a stern look on her face. I shrugged and I breathed out and then started writing when she walked over to Bertram to tell him what to do. Suddenly a little piece of parchment landed on my desk and I unfolded it.

Nice one!

I quickly turned around slightly grinning at Sirius who had a light smirk on his face and Marlene next to him snickered. I heard them mumbling when I turned around but I could not understand what they were saying. After writing these stupid sentences, I raised my hand and Minnie walked over to me. "I am done now," I mumbled, handing her the parchment and she looked at me.

"How are you doing with that Transfiguration homework I assigned the other day?" She gave me a questioning look.

Terrible? Super terrible.

I have no idea. I tried to ignore it because I am truly bad at Transfiguration because I just don't understand it even though Emma and Britt constantly try to explain it to me.

"Ahm, I honestly don't know. I haven't started yet. But I guess I'll figure it out somehow," I explained to her, flashing her a rather helpless look. "All right. Then try to do it now for the rest of detention," she said placing her book in front of me since I obviously did not bring mine.

"Ah, and you Mr Black. Sit here you could probably be of help. Ms Bell is quite struggling with her Transfiguration homework and since you have proven to have a certain talent for that subject, so make yourself helpful," she said, bowing her head at him.

My breathing stopped for a second, my heart slamming against my rib cage while every word or sentence I could have said died down in my throat.

Great, as if I could focus on Transfiguration when he was sitting right next to me.

I heard him get up and walk forward to my table, but I also heard Marlene making weird noises and lightly drumming on the table in front of her.


He pulled the chair next to me back and sat down smirking. Why does he always have to smirk?

"Alright love, where do you need help?" A wave of his utterly delicious scent filled my nostrils and for a moment I really hoped I was not drooling. 

"Ahm, ahm, honestly I don't even understand what I don't understand," I blabbered.

Why was I so nervous? When I sat down next to him in the corridor after his talk with Regulus I was not nervous, maybe because this was an odd situation and he wasn't really his confident self that day?

He laughed out loudly. "Maybe, could you explain that to me, because I don't even understand the basics of, yeah, that all."
He nodded, quickly grabbing my book scanning over the pages. He had beautiful long lashes that covered his grey eyes and– honestly stop, Mathilda!
I internally facepalmed myself. You have to concentrate now, this is important because I was really not keen on failing Transfiguration.
He then turned towards me again and started explaining.

Was I listening to him? Or was I simply staring at his face, wandering how handsome someone could be? Well, no one really knows.

I really tried to concentrate, but I was just so distracted by the boy sitting in front of me. My eyes constantly trailed over his sharp features, the perfect eyes, the long lashes, his high cheek bones and his plump lips. After looking at his lips for maybe a bit too long he suddenly waved a hand in front of me.
"Are you listening or is there something distracting you?" he laughed before leaning back into his chair and grinning widely.  Startled, my mouth parted and I gasped, staring at him. "Ah, ahm. Whoops. I was just thinking. Ahm, thinking. Yes, I was thinking about what you just said."
"Of course, love," he chortled and winked at me.

He then kept on explaining things and I also jotted down some notes, so I would not forget it too soon.

◇ ◇ ◇

"Thank you so much! It really makes sense now," I thanked him. "Absolutely no problem. Anytime. If you need help again just ask, alright?" I just smiled at him and nodded.

When detention was over he made his way back and I grabbed my things to leave the classroom. Sirius went back to Marlene who made cheering movements with her hands before breaking into laughter. I was confused and walked past them but I still heard her say, "Hooooow, cuuuute was that!?" I smiled a bit to myself, curious about what that meant.

So maybe he really liked me a bit?


Since this chapter is super short and as it was my birthday, I' ll just post this one too. :)

Next chapters will be longer!!

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