Chapter 53: The Order of the Phoenix

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This chapter is going to be a bit different as Mathilda is not actively showing up in it. It is solely about the Order of the Phoenix, there will just be some conversations about her.

~ Sirius POV ~

What can I say, the past few days with Mathilda had been amazing. More than amazing. We definitely tried a few things and also places, but nothing too special or dramatic, as I did not want to push or rush her into anything. She then had left the previous day and I already started to miss her like crazy, but I also understood that she wanted to spend some time with her family.

Just the other day, before the party, I as well as James and the others received a letter from Dumbledore inviting us to join a secret organisation in order to protect the wizarding and Muggle world from and his . He told us that we should not tell anyone, he did not mention in the letter, about this organisation. As Mathilda was not among the names, I really fought with myself if I should tell her or not. I decided to keep it a secret for at least sometime, as I did not want to betray Dumbledore. I knew I could trust her with everything, but still I did not want go behind Dumbledorw's back.

The first secret meeting was to be held at 9 pm this day in a secret place and so after cleaning up the flat a bit and getting ready I made my way over to the address. When I arrived there I knock a few times in the pattern that Dumbledore told us about. He opened the door and guided me inside. I was happy when I looked into many familiar faces. Marlene. Dorcas. Lily. James. Peter. Remus. I also knew Alice Fortescue and Frank Longbottom from school. The others introduced themselves as Aberforth, Alastor Moody, the Prewett brothers and many more.

When everyone had arrived and everyone took a seat, I between James and Remus, Dumbledore started explaining. The Order was a secret society founded by him to oppose and his . It was already constructed when Voldemort returned to England and started to take over England and the Ministry of Magic as well as started to persecute muggle-borns. We all had an odd feeling in our stomachs listening to him cautiously.

Also Aurors from the ministry joined this organisation among them for example Kingsley Shacklebolt. After making sure everyone could create a Patronus, Dumbledore introduced us to a special method of communication among Order members by inventing a way to make the Patroni speak.

He went on explaining more and more about the order and what our jobs would be. He told us to keep the organisation an absolute secret from everyone who was not in it. I was unsure if I should ask if I could tell Mathilda about it, but before I could speak up Alastor Moody stepped forward and spoke up.

"Alright, Alastor Moody, again for everyone. I'm an Auror. Protecting Muggles and Muggle-borns are definitely not the only things we are here for. We also need to examine and follow Death Eaters and other people who might be dangerous or act suspicious, find out things about them, their whereabouts and who the spend their time with. They are the only possible way to make out where Voldemort is." 

We all looked at him and nodded before he continued„I brought a stack of files with names and pictures of people who we know are Death Eaters and people who might be or at least have a connection or relationship to dark wizards.

I wasn't really surprised when I found a few of my relatives among the names. But then I saw it. Sickness filled my stomach, making it cramp and anguish laced my insides. 

Henriette Bell.

Next to her were also the names Artus Bell and Ramona Bell. Mathilda's grandfather and aunt.

I swallowed hard before picking them up and looking at them in shock. Her mother was one of the kindest people I have ever met, she could not be one of them. She simply could not be, that had to be a mistake.

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