Chapter 93: Scapegoat

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- October, 31st 1981 -

"When the Dark Lord arrived James told Lily to take Harry and run. 'Lily run, it's him!' After his wife and son were out of the room, he stood to face the most dangerous Dark wizard of all time on his own, in order to give his wife and child time to escape the cottage. However, James had made a fatal mistake; he had left  his wand in the living room, where he had been entertaining his young son with it before Voldemort's arrival. Voldemort effortlessly murdered him. James 'fell like a marionette whose strings were cut'. Voldemort then proceeded upstairs to where Lily and the infant Harry were hiding. The effects of Voldemort's curse went beyond just the two wizards; half of the top floor of the house was blown apart by the rebounding curse. Albus Dumbledore was immediately alerted that something significant had happened. Rubeus Hagrid arrived just as the Muggles began to swarm around and rescued Harry Potter from the ruins."

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~ Mathilda POV ~

"Alright, love. I am leaving now. I will be right back, at around nine or ten. Don't wait for me if you are tired, okay?" Sirius said, before placing a passionate kiss on my mouth.

I clung onto him, holding him by his shoulders — I could not let him go. My stomach cramped with  nausea at thought of him leaving.

"I love you. Take care! Please be careful, Sirius. Promise me to be careful. And promise me to come back."

With that he slipped out of my hold, my fingers slowly tracing down his arms. He moved closer to me again, kissing the top of my head and waddled out of the door, looking back at me over his shoulder.

One hand placed over my belly, the other covering my mouth I stood in the threshold. "I love you. Please, be careful!" I shouted after him, leaning my head against the doorframe.

"I love you, Mathilda. I see you later," he mumbled, before he fully stepped into the dark. The darkness that covered the streets was no normal darkness — it was cold and dreadful, making my stomach cramp even more.

One last look back at me, he lifted his hand, a smile appeared on his face and he waved. "I love you so much."

The last I love you I heard from him. The last kiss we had shared. The last time I had looked into his eyes.

"Be careful!" It was a strangled shout. The cold had settled in my throat, dried it out and made my voice croaky.

He was gone.

Slowly I returned inside, my whole body shaking and shivering. I let my fingers trail over the walls while I made my way upstairs to the bedroom again. I hoped he was fine and this missions was not too dangerous.

Snuggling myself tightly into the sheets that still were warm and smelled like Sirius, I let the tears run free. I had no idea why I was so terrified that time,. He had been on missions before. But that time it was different. Plagued my pain and agony about him getting hurt or something happening to him, I tried to force myself to fall back a sleep. I slowly let my index finger dance over my belly. Our child was in there. Sirius and I's child, our flesh and blood. This was the start of our family. We would be a family. A family of three.

Tears ran down my cheeks when I squeezed my eyes shut, gritting my teeth.

I fell a sleep at some point when he did not return within a few hours, when the sheets had turned cold.

At this point I was sure he was just late. But I had no idea, that he would never return. That I would never see him, my fiancé, the love of my life ever again.

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