Chapter 38: Slugclub Party

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-Saturday evening-

~ Sirius POV ~

"Alright gentlemen, how do I look?" I asked, standing in front of the mirror. "Fine," Remus mumbled, not even looking up from his book. Idiot.

"Hey, boys. Do I look alright?" I said, snapping my fingers.

"Yes, absolutely stunning and hot," Peter said while lying on his bed, chuckling loudly.

"That was what I wanted to hear!" I sprayed on some cologne before putting my hair into place again.

"Alright, how do I look guys?" James asked, walking through the door. "Blimey, not you too!" Remus grunted. 

Peter repeated what he had said to me and I also told James that his outfit looked good. James was wearing some dark blue wide-legged pants along with a lighter blue shirt that had flowers on it. He also fixed his hair in the mirror, although that wouldn't stay that way for long since he constantly ran his hands through his hair. He then also sprayed some cologne on.

We talked for a little bit until I left at twenty to seven since I had to walk all the way to the Hufflepuff common room and that was quite some walk away. I was pretty nervous, a feeling I actually didn't really know and especially not because of a girl. When I arrived there, she was already waiting in front of the barrels for me and -wow- I was really speechless. Fuck me. Like honestly, Mathilda? How could she be so stunning? How could a woman look so utterly beautiful and I had only realised that a few weeks ago?

~ Mathilda POV ~

The previous evening I had washed my hair and Britt then braided it so I would have nice curls. I was feeling a little bit uncomfortable as I did not really want to do so much and always rather kept everything quite natural, but the girls insisted on it. It was right now a bit past seven and I decided it would be a good time to get dressed, so i put on a pair of tights and slipped into my dress. I really liked the dress and how it fitted my curves. I also picked out some nice earrings and a tiny necklace to go with the dress, nothing to fancy and especially nothing too big.

"Alright and now make-up. Sit down, sit down," Julie ordered. "No. No make-up. I really don't want that!" I protested and Julie pouted. "Well, at least a bit of mascara and a tiny bit of lipstick, and then I'm happy!" I gave in after she gave me puppy eyes and the other girls chuckled. I put a bit of mascara and also really minimal coat of lipstick on, before Britt walked over to me to drown me in perfume. I shook my head trying to escape the wave of perfume that was just sprayed on me and the girls laughed out loud.

"It is just a date. Guys, you need to calm down!" Hah, did I really just say that?  Wasn't it me who couldn't sleep the whole night because I was so fricking nervous? I had been rolling around the whole time, grinning to myself while my heart was thrumming against my rib cage.

"Yeah, right 'just a date'. With Mr Sirius Orion Black. Hogwarts heartthrob and your crush since ages. Girl, you have fancied this man for years. This is not just a date," Emma said, reprimanding in her voice and winking at me. We joked for a little longer until I decided to leave since it was already nearly quarter to eight. They all came up to me and hugged me and before I was gone Julie quickly shouted "Have fun. But not too much. Not that you end up in one of those notorious broom closets." I just laughed out loud but also felt my cheeks heat up again. That was definitely not going happen!

I then walked into the common room where I was met with Jesper and Ian who just looked at me as if they have seen a ghost and I waved my hand in front of their faces.

"Wow, you look amazing. Sirius is a lucky guy," Ian said. "But hey, promise to take care of you, okay?" He had really become an amazing friend, he always was so sincere and I just hated the fact that he was so oblivious to not see that Emma was in love with him. Jesper just gave me a tight smile, that did not meet his eyes, telling me to enjoy the party. I knew it still hurt him, but why did he always have to do this. I just smiled and nodded towards them before making my way out of the common room, where I waited for Sirius who appeared just a few seconds later.

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