Chapter 88: Godfather Duties

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~ Mathilda POV ~

It was currently the first week of January and a few days ago James complained or whined to Sirius about wanting to spend some time with Lily, with just Lily alone. Only him and Lily for one day since for the past half year they haven't had a day without baby Harry. Sirius understood his friend and came up with the glorious idea that should take a day off and Sirius and I would take care of Harry. Nice idea, or so. Don't get me wrong.

I loved Harry, I loved him so so much. But the problem was that little children overwhelmed me slightly. Well, actually not only slightly—

You never knew what they wanted, what they craved, why they cried and whether they were hungry or just grumpy.

Sirius was more than happy to spend a whole day with Harry, just the three of us and so I tried to be as happy as him.

"Don't always think about so much about what could happen and don't be so pessimistic. We are going to do fine. It is just a baby. A tiny human, what can possibly go wrong?" Sirius chuckled, wrapping an arm around me, swaying me to the silent music sounding from the radio.

I had been rushing through the flat looking for edges and pieces on which he could get hurt, making sure I secured them all, sticking tape over them. Not that he got hurt.

He could now crawl and he was a fast crawler, definitely inherited the athletic side from James. I was already now -him being only half a year old- sure that he would play Quidditch when he would go to Hogwarts.

Sirius was going to gift him a tiny broom for his birthday in July, so that he could start practicing as soon as possible. "No, I am not a pessimist, I am just a bit nervous. It is a whole day, what if he misses them and won't stop crying?" I whined, dashing into the kitchen and continuing to smash some carrots for Harry.

"Ugh, love. This is Harry we are talking about. He loves us. He loves me!" Sirius chuckled and I had to laugh at him.

It was true.

Out of everyone he definitely liked Sirius the most. I was never sure if he liked me. He sometimes smiled at me for ten minutes straight.

But then sometimes he did not even smile at me once, always keeping a stern face no matter what I tried. Babies were just so confusing.

But no matter what he always smiled at Sirius. No matter how hungry he was or how full his diapers were, he smiled, or let's say grinned at him.


"Yes, you are right. Everything is going to be fine. We are going to handle this. We are going to handle Harry," I breathed, walking back to the living room and letting myself fall onto the couch. It was only seven in the morning since Lily and James wanted to leave as early as possible in order to have enough time, for just the two of them.

-ding dong-

Before I couldn't even get up Sirius ran past me, beaming and cheering.

"There are here, finally!" he cheered, while opening the door. He quickly did his handshake with James before grabbing Harry, and who would have guessed, who brightly smiled at his godfather.

I also went to the door, greeting the three of them.

Lily lectured us on what he is allowed to eat, do, drink etc. She explained everything in so much detail that I drifted off after a few minutes, just smiling and nodding at her. She also gave us a huge bag filled with toys, food, two bottles and children books.

"Evans, calm down. We will be fine, he won't even notice that you are gone. So leave now and enjoy your day," Sirius urged, pointing towards the door. Lily huffed when James chuckled, walking up to Sirius and kissing Harry's cheek.

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