Chapter 27: Troubling Monthly Visitors

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~ 3rd person POV ~

"Come on, Moony. We got this," James panted, supporting his injured friend on the one side while Sirius held him up on his other side. Remus was again completely covered in scratches, whimpering slightly at the pain rushing through his body. Peter walked in front of them, caring the map to make sure they would not accidentally run into someone. They only had to turn a few more corners and then they would finally be in the Hospital Wing. It was nothing new for them, they did this every month. Another full moon, nothing special one might think.
But they were always worried sick about the life of their best friend and Remus was always afraid of lashing out and hurting his best friends.

"There you are, finally! I was already worried that something has happened! Thank Godrick, you are finally here. Come on, put him here on the hospital bed," Mdm Pomfrey said to the boys, giving them a sympathetic smile. The boys followed her and helped Remus get onto the bed, before sitting down on one of the other beds.

"Sirius. You need to look at Sirius, too. I hurt him really badly," Remus breathed out, covering his face with his hands and trying to hide the pain that was currently rushing trough his body. He whimpered and squirmed, groaning when only moving his arms.

"No. Don't worry about me. I am fine. You look much worse, mate," Sirius argued, giving Remus a smile before laying back down on the hospital bed. After putting some cream and treatment onto Remus' injuries Mdm Pomfrey quickly made her way over to Sirius whose shoulder was drenched in blood.

"Honestly, it's not that bad. Just some tiny scratches," he tried to assure her to which she only shook her head, clicking her tongue. She quickly grabbed some healing potion, removed the shirt from his shoulder, shook her head again after seeing how badly injured he was and applied the potion on his shoulder. Sirius yelped loudly and then also whimpered when he felt the potion touch his shoulder. "Thanks," he mumbled, shyly looking up to her face through lowered lashes, smiling weakly.

"You too, Potter? And what about you Pettigrew?" She gave the two boys a questioning look. Both of them shook their heads and she just nodded. They really had no visible injuries and she knew that the two of them would not lie about them either.

After staying with Remus for a few more minutes the three boys then got up and left for their dorms, being extremely exhausted and tired, but at least another full moon was done and hence also a feeling of relief overcame them. After taking showers and getting changed they could finally fall into a few hours of peaceful slumber, which they really needed now.

-next morning-

~ Mathilda POV ~

"Ugh, I hate mornings. I hate school and I hate my life. Oh, and I hate being a girl right now," I groaned, a bolt of pain piercing through my abdomen while I tried to get out of bed. These cramps were killing me again. Today they were not as terrible as they were yesterday, but they were still there. Yesterday they were so bad that I had to stay in the dorms because I couldn't really manage to get out of bed (speaking from experience....).

Unfortunately we had a DADA exam yesterday and Mrs Pines (I have no idea what their DADA teachers names were) thought I faked the pain and that I only wanted to escape sitting the exam and hence decided that I have to resit it today. Great, she is such a lovely lady - not.

I somehow managed to get out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. After doing my routine in the bathroom and getting dressed I returned to the dorms and collapsed onto the bed.

"When exactly do you have to resit the exam?" Britt asked while giving me sympathetic smile. "Since we have a free period in the 3rd period, she decided that I should just join her in her DADA lesson that she is teaching in year 7," I said, giving her an annoyed look before rolling over on my bed and covering my face with my pillow as another painful cramp shot through my belly. "Oh, poor you!" Emma said, jumping on my bed and hugging me. "She's such a bitch. Like come on, she is a woman, too. She must know how that feels. And in addition, you are literally the last person that would lie to get out of an exam. I honestly hate her so much." I removed the pillow from my face and gave her a weak smile.

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