Chapter 65: Who Did That to You?*

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-31st of December-

~ Mathilda POV ~


I was surprised that I had landed on my feet and did not tumble and fall onto floor when I apparated to Sirius' flat and before I could open my mouth to shout his name, strong arms wrapped around me from behind, the smell of cologne filling my nostrils and making my toes curl.

"Uh, finally. It has definitely been too long, love. I missed you so much," he breathed while I turned around to look up into his face. He did not waste a minute to press his lips onto mine, slowly walking us over to the couch, which we soon fell onto.

"Same, I missed you so m—" I tried to say, but he stopped me, putting a slender finger on my lips. Furrowing my brows, I pouted.

"Don't talk, just kiss me right now," he said before placing another kiss on my lips and sighing into my mouth.
While the kiss turned more passionately he started to run his hands up and down my body before grabbing the hem of his own shirt, pulling it over his head and tossing it on the floor. A trail of sloppy kisses was placed on my jaw and down my neck. Nibbling on my skin, I released a moan I had really been trying to hold back.
After grinning against my skin, his breath tickling me, he started to nibble on the skin of my neck. Running his hands up my thighs until the were placed under my shirt. I gasped, my hand moving into his silken curl on its own accord. Another breathy moan slipped through my lips when Sirius rubbed his hardest parts against my softest and his hands cupped my breasts, starting to tease my already very sensitive nipples. His head dipped and he shoved my shirt up, his lips finding their place on my lower belly. His tongue circled my navel and I squealed loudly. He kissed the skin below me breast, his other hand shoving my bra aside, kneading my boob. "Godrick, I–"



"Oh, fuck. I am so sorry. I had no idea. That is truly uncomfortable we thought it would be a good idea to arrive earlier and help you prepare everything, but I guess we were wrong." Lily's voice was a mix of pity and utter amusement, trying extremely hard to not burst into laughter.

Sirius' and my eyes immediately shot towards the door, both breathing heavily, chests heaving, his shirt on the floor and his hands under my shirt, his face pressed against my belly.

"Evans, Prongs, guys....honestly just an hour later and I would have really appreciated that kind act but now, you don't even want to imagine what I would do to you right now if  had my wand on me," Sirius breathed out, glaring at James and Lily.

 I wiggled my hips, to which he finally withdrew his hands. Lily and James could not hold it any longer, both bursting into laughter. I lay there, eyes wide open in shock, cheeks flushed dark red in embarrassment. That was more than uncomfortable.

"Well, shall we leave again and give you some minutes to finish?" Lily asked snickering and James soon joined in laughing loudly. "Two minutes or so? Guess Pads he doesn't last much longer," he roared. Sirius rolled his eyes and flipped his best mate off. 

"Not at all funny, guys! And no. You destroyed the mood," Sirius said, slowly getting up, pulling my shirt down and picking his shirt up from the floor.
"And a few minutes won't be enough, Prongs. Maybe a few hours," He winked at his best friend to which James roared with laughter.
"Boys!" Lily exclaimed, shaking her head and throwing het hands in the air.

Finally having slipped into his shirt and having adjusted his pants he extended a hand, helping me up. The heat on my face was nearly not bearable. Quickly straightening my hair, I gave them a tight smile only then realising I hadn't greeted them yet.

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