Chapter 16: Weird behaviour

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~ Mathilda POV ~

As the school weeks passed Regulus seemed to get back to his original self and even smiled again. We still weren't friends but we got along quite well. We talked a lot and often chatted and joked in classes when we found the same thing funny or interesting. I decided to, other than his brother, like him. He was kind and it did absolutely not matter that he was in Slytherin. At least to me, it did not matter.

One thing I noticed was the Maurauder boys behaving strangely. It was just a few days after full moon when the four of them (keeping quite a distance between each other) entered the Great Hall, gloomy and blood-freezing grim expression lacing their features instead of laughing and making jokes. But the real surprise happened when they sat down. Normally they were inseparable. Always together, walking together and sitting together, laughing and joking and chatting with each other. Not that day. Peter took a seat next to a girl who I thought was called Dorcas. They did not interact or anything, he just grabbed his food and started eating. James took a seat next to him, keeping some distance between them and then there was Remus, who looked terrible. Utterly and sparingly terrible. Like he had weeped the whole night. He looked absolutely haggard and completely exhausted. He walked straight past James and took a seat next to Lily Evans, who gave him a smile, but then went back to talking to her friends.

Lastly entered Sirius, looking completely destroyed. Pain and anguish were obvious on his sharp face. His eyes were dim, surrounded by dark circles and his jaw clenched. He just walked to the table grabbed a bread and left again. "Trouble in paradise? Or what else is going on with them? Huh?" Britt mumbled who followed my gaze, laughing. "Yeah, I believe that something happened between them. But at least we can enjoy some silence now."

~ 3rd person POV ~

They never fought. The had never fought in the past. The were the bestest of friends one could ever think of, but that time he had gone too far. Sirius had gone too far, but somehow did not quite get it that he had done something wrong. If it wasn't for James a pupil could have gotten killed that night of the full moon. Sirius was immature and without much thinking had led his fellow classmate, Severus Snape, into a situation which could have probably ended dreadfully if it weren't for James. It could have ended with a dead pupil.

"Don't you get it, Sirius? I could have killed him. I could have killed an innocent teenager." 

"Is he really so innocent, Moony? And it was a joke. A little prank and nothing happened, anyways!" Sirius shouted at Remus. "Yes, nothing happened, because I saved his stupid life. Sirius, this is not fun anymore. Yes, it was fun at the beginning, but this could have ended so badly. We were really lucky." 

"Yeah, yeah. Okay, what do you want to hear now? I am sorry. Okay, I am sorry, James for having to save Snivellus' life and sorry, Moony, I probably should have really thought about it more before. But as I said nothing happened, alright?".

The conversation ended although it was not really over (do you know what I mean?). They all walked of towards the Great Hall as it was time for breakfast.

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