Chapter 18: My Friend's Problems Are Also My Problems

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◇ 5th School Year 1976/77 ◇

~ Mathilda POV ~

"Guess who got himself a girlfriend?" 

The one sentence that Emma probably did not want to hear coming from Ian (I mean as long it was not about her). Ian stood in our compartment door, wearing the biggest grin I had ever seen on him, telling us the very unpleasantly news. Behind him stood Jesper also wearing a grin and patting his mate's shoulder. "And guess who will make it on the Quidditch team this year? With my best mate being team captain I do not see a problem anymore, right mate?" said Jesper, smirking to which Ian nodded, still grinning. 

"We are so proud of you, boys!" Julie expressed, sounding pretty sarcastic. "Who is the unlucky girl?" 

"Excuse me? She can call herself pretty lucky to be with me. It's Jenna, from Ravenclaw," Ian answered, smirking. I just gave him a nod and a tight smile. My stomach churned with nausea and fury laced my insides at the thought of him right now breaking my best friend's heart. 

Emma beside me just sat there, staring at him. She tried to not show any emotion, but I knew she was breaking on the inside. Over summer she had always deliberated with herself whether she should write a letter to Ian or not, and she had decided for not. I believed she regretted that now.

"Why her?" Britt suddenly asked, furrowing her brows. "You could do better than her, for example...erm, no forget it." Ian gave her a weird look, crinkling his forehead before saying something to Jesper, both of them waving us goodbye and walking away.

Once they were gone we all immediately hugged poor Emma. "I am soo sorry for you, Emma. Is there anything we can do? Anything to make this situation better?" She just shook her head, staring holes into the ground with a sad look on her face. God, it broke my heart seeing her like that. She had fancied Ian since so many years and always hoped that he would finally see her as more than a friend, but he still was an oblivious teenager not seeing how amazing Emma was. We all also decided that we probably don't like Jenna from now on which was pretty rude, but on the other hand also seemed to be the right thing in that situation.

"Have you got any idea how that feels? I don't want to see them together. Holding hands or worse kissing and hugging," Emma said, still pure sadness and slight pain lacing her features. "Trust me I believe Mathilda here knows exactly what that feels like," Britt mumbled, snickering slightly. My eyes immediately shot up and I looked at her in shock. Then I squinted my eyes at her, glowering. How could she? I knew exactly that she was talking about Sirius. I thought I had done a good job hiding my crush for the rest of the year. Great, I guess I have failed.

"What? What wait? Who do you fancy? You have always avoided that question when we asked you," Julie suddenly asked, smirking at me and eyes wide open. Thanks, Britt, really thank you. 

I stammered some incomprehensible words, tripping over them before Britt cut in and practically shouted, "Famous Sirius Orion Black!" She laughed loudly, clutching her stomach. What was wrong with her? I thought we were bestfriends? 

"Sorry Mathilda, but fighting against this crush all alone is too much for you. It was finally time to tell everyone. We are there for you, both of you and help you get over those stupid idiots! You are not alone in those awful situations." She flashed me a sympathetic smile and I nodded, slightly smiling back at her.

Even Emma laughed a bit after what had just happened. "I never thought that he was your type. I always thought Jesper is more like your type. But I guess I was wrong," she laughed. Oh trust me Emma, Sirius is exactly my type, but I am questioning myself everyday why? Why him? Why not someone not so loud, annoying, impulsive or weird? But also so handsome and charming and kind of mysterious. Wait, girl stop! I internally facepalmed myself for having these thoughts.

"I would like that. Little goody two-shoes Mathilda and bad boy Sirius Orion Black. You would be such a hot couple." I rolled my eyes at her. Right, if being a couple with him would ever happen. Dream on, Julie.

For the rest of the train ride we kept on talking about many things and when we finally sat down for dinner in the Great Hall I sat with my back facing the Gryffindor table in order to not have to look over all the time. The atmosphere between the boys and us was strange and somehow uncomfortable even though the boys did not seem to notice. Jesper told us so many things about his summer holidays and his trip to Spain. I tried to listen, really, but my thoughts were somewhere else sometimes. I smiled and nodded at him and again did not notice that I was only listening to him with one ear.

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