Chapter 79: Avada Kedavra*

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~ Mathilda POV ~

Lily and James were actually meant to set out for their honeymoon the following week but then the terrible and heart breaking message arrived.

Euphemia and Fleamont died. They were dead. Dead.

They died in St. Mungos due to Dragon Pox. We all couldn't believe it. We were shocked, terrible shocked and sad. 

They were just gone. Gone. Without return.

The shock and pain was deep, we all tried to compose ourselves, to be strong for James and to be there for him. Sirius also had a really tough time, first he had lost Regulus and then Euphemia and Fleamont who'd become his family. But he wanted to be strong for James, he needed to be there for him and he wanted to be there for him. He was there for him. Always. But whenever we came home, whenever we returned from James' and Lily's place the facade broke.

He broke down. 

His heart broke into a million of pieces, it was shredded into a million pieces and we sat there, on the floor in silence, in the dark room, him sobbing into my shoulder. It was too much. Too much for him. Too much for me. Too much for all of us at this point. We often sat there for hours, in silence. In the dark.

"Promise me to never do anything that can hurt you. Promise me to never get in any danger. Stay out of everything!" Sirius breathed out, pulling my head close to his chest and I stroked his arm.

"Promised. But you have to promise the same, Sirius. I couldn't stand losing you! I wouldn't survive it," I cried, feeling his strong arms wrap around me. 

We ate a little bit for dinner, not being hungry at all and feeling rather nauseous before falling into bed, cuddling closely, tears drying om my cheeks. It broke my heart seeing Sirius like that. Seeing James like that. The always so cheerful and happy James Potter, who always had the biggest grin on his face.

The funeral was beautiful, at least as beautiful as a funeral could be. It was beautifully made, other than that, it was sad. So incredibly sad. James asked me if I could sing, since I had some experience from being in the choir and of course I said yes. He did not have the energy to organise anything so my mum took over. Her and Andrew planned everything, my mother has known Euphemia quite well during their Hogwarts years. James thanked her a million times. The day was awful but we sat together after the funeral trying to talk about their time at Hogwarts and about our years at Hogwarts. We also of course talked about war and the Order missions.

The days passed and we started to recover from the sadness and the pain. Not fully but slightly.

War did not stop.

And neither did the Order missions. James did not feel able and ready to participate in an Order mission yet and neither did Lily, so I did volunteer, against Sirius consent, but it felt right for me.

"I really don't like the idea of you coming on such an Order mission with us! It is too dangerous. I don't want you to get hurt," he stammered, grabbing my hand tightly while we made our way to the Order headquarters.

"I know, but someone has to do something. Peter is in Cornwall and James and Lily need their rest to recover fully. I cannot sit at home and do nothing!"

"I get that. But you could just follow Narcissa or anything else but that," he countered, a bit louder, sending shivers down my spine. "Sirius, please. I want this. I want to help. We need to do everything possible to stop this. I will be fine, I promise!" He promptly stopped, pulling me into an embrace and kissing my head. "You have no idea how much I love you for that," he breathed out, thumb stroking over my jaw.

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