Chapter 6: First School Week

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~ Mathilda POV ~

The first week of school had passed relatively quickly. Most subjects seemed pretty alright especially Herbology fascinated me. I had always liked plants and taking care of them.

I also had a great amount of all kinds of plants and flowers at home, some even from places all over the world. In addition, I also took care of the ones of my grandfather. He most of the time forgot to water them and then complained that they did not grow, so I had to take over.

Charms was also something that sparked my interest as we finally were allowed to really use magic. Like really, really use it. One of the first things we had learned was levitation which caused some difficulties for a few people and even lead to tiny explosions of feathers.

"Mr Fuller, it is leviosa and not whatever you just said."

Jesper had blown some burned strands of hair out of his face which me me burst into laughter, clutching my belly. Emma's first try wasn't also too amazing. Her feather flew but she accidentally directed it at some boy's eye. The poor Ravenclaw had to be taken to the Hospital Wing and Emma felt terrible. My first try...failed. The second one as well, but the third worked and the feather really flew.

Another subject we had was Potions and I had finally figured out who Horace was.

Horace Slughorn.

He was our Potions teacher and my grandpa had been his Potions teacher. Unlucky as I was, he of course recognised the name and let everyone know, "Ah Ms Bell. What a pleasure to finally also have you in my class after also teaching your mother and your aunt. Right right, very talented and incredibly smart women. And don't even get me started on your grandfather." he expressed, smiling and clapping his hands. Again I had way too many people looking at me, feeling slightly nauseous and praying that a hole in the ground would open and swallow me.

On one incident I also ran into Bertram who mocked me for getting sorted into Hufflepuff and added that my family would probably be disappointed. But they weren't disappointed. Well, let's say my mother wasn't. She wrote back that she already thought so and was very happy for me that I already found friends. Since she didn't write anything about my aunt's or grandad's reaction I concluded that they might not be too happy about it.

I got along really well with my dorm mates and also Jesper and Ian and the homesickness was soon gone after spending so much time with those amazing people.


In the next chapter also Sirius will finally appear but maybe not in the most positiv way he could. With the first chapters I really want to give a lot of background information on the main character and not just directly jump into the story with Sirius. That might be a bit boring for some but I personally like these kinds of stories. :)

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