Chapter 60: Hopelessly Devoted to You*

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~ Mathilda POV ~

Today was the day, 31st  September 1978, the day before going back to school. The past days passed extremely quickly, as Sirius was on a lot of Order missions, I spent quite a lot of time with mum and grandpa and also met with the girls in Diagon Alley to do our annual school shopping for the very last time. Wow, the last time. The next time would then be with my own children.

We decided that I would spend the last day at Sirius place since I was anyways going to leave from King's Cross and hence it made sense to just stay at his place tonight.

At first mum was quite sad that I would already leave a day earlier, but she understood and also had to do a lot of work for the ministry. Her job in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures got more and more demanding due to the rise of Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters; she worked many over-hours and also always brought home a lot of work.

I also spent a lot of time in the past week to finally learn how to apparate, still not really liking this travelling method, but it definitely made things much easier for me.

There was now only one problem, I somehow really wanted to see Sirius, but also not.

I was going to suggest to him that we should break up or I would just break up with him. I did not want to have him have to wait for me. He should live his life and be happy, even if that would mean that we had to break up. Since I could probably not sleep at his place after we break up I decided to just then look for a hostel and go sleep there. I was extremely sad and nervous but I did not want my mum to know, so I just tried to hide it as good as possible.

After saying quite a teary goodbye to my mum and hugging her for minutes, we finally broke apart and I apparated, holding onto all my things.


The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was the floor, the floor in Sirius flat and then I felt slight pain erupt in my knees and also my left elbow. I had face-planted the ground.

"Blimey, are you alright? Bloody hell, are you hurt?" Sirius expressed while dashing into the living room, some light shock obvious in his features.

I blew my hair out of my face and looked up to him, squinting my eyes and forcing a grin onto my lip.

"I learned how to apparate. Surprise!" I weakly smiled at him, before trying to get up. Luckily my whole luggage was still in place and nothing fell apart. Sirius quickly rushed over to help me get up, and then he pulled me into a a bone-crashing hug.

"Oh, love. I mean, I am really proud of you, but you probably need some tutoring," he chuckled, nestling his head into my hair and breathing in deeply.

It was only when we pulled apart that I noticed there were many candles lit in the flat and the lights turned off. My eyes went wide and I gave him a questioning look, slightly scrunching my nose to which he snickered.

"Come, follow me. I tried to cook dinner. I want you to be honest about how it tastes, but not too honest," he said, smiling sheepishly.

Oh my god. How was he so perfect? I could not break up with right now.

"No, worries it will be amazing," I quipped, smiling at him brightly, pushing away the negative thoughts.

I then took a seat at the table and he put the food on my plate, smiling brightly. It really looked delicious, it was some kind of pasta with some tomato sauce.

"It looks and smells delicious, so I believe it will taste amazing," I hummed, flashing him a bright smile while grabbing my fork.

"Enjoy your meal!"

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