Chapter 46: I Love You

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~ Mathilda POV ~

Sirius soon returned and I told him to follow me after I had locked the door. We walked up the slim circular staircase that went from the living room up to my room and also my bathroom. My mother had her bedroom next to her study, which was on the ground floor. On the first floor there was only my room, a bathroom and a small library. I opened the door and told him to get in. Had I spent the whole day cleaning up this room, because it was an extreme mess? Maybe.

My room was not particularly big, there was just a small bed next to the door, a small desk placed in front of the window and also a not really big wardrobe on the right wall, on the left side there was the entry to the bathroom. Nearly all walls were covered in plants hanging from the ceiling or growing on the wall and the colours in my room were mainly yellow and orange.

"Well, that is my room," I declared, smiling sheepishly. It really wasn't much or special, just my room, but I really loved it.

"It's lovely. I honestly expected it to be exactly like that," the oldest Black brother said, examining the room, his eyes scanning all the details.

Sirius went closer to a plant, which "OUCH" bites. "Whoops, I should have probably told you that." He turned around, grumbling something under his breath and flashed me a slightly irritated smile before saying, "Maybe." He then went to my desk and looked at the parchments laying there.

"What is that?" Sirius questioned, taking a stack of parchment into his hands and examining it. "Oh, ahm nothing special. Just some notes on magical creatures and plants and so," I answered while walking up to him. "Wow, that's impressive but that is not just some notes, that's a whole bestiary!" he expressed, having an astonished look on his face. I just smiled shyly, feeling warmth spread throughout my whole chest.

Sirius then put the parchment down and turned towards me and wrapped his arms around my torso, hugging me tightly. "You have no idea how happy I am to be here today. And to sleep here. And that your mum likes me. God, I was so nervous that she maybe changes her mind and then does not like me. Or even hate me," he murmured into my hair. I chortled. "No, she really likes you, trust me. I saw it in the way she looks at you and talks to you. She has a special way of talking to people she does not like. And I am also incredibly happy that you are here," I told him. It was true. She would have really reacted completely different if she didn't like him, so everything was good.

Sirius then took a tiny step backwards, moving my chin upwards with his thumb. Why does he always do this, it drives me crazy?  And then I found him gazing into my eyes, once again getting lost in the beautiful grey of his.

"You remember when I told you that I like you?" he queried and I dipped my chin. "That is not true anymore." Ouch, that hurt. It felt like someone had stabbed me right in my heart. Not being dramatic at all. "I love you! Holy Helga, I am so in love with you. It is insane," he breathed out.

I looked at him with little teary eyes, a kernel of pure bliss blooming in my chest.

"I love you, too. I do. So much," I said to him him, not breaking eye contact. "You do?" he asked, his brows folding. What? No, Sirius, I just said it for fun.

"What? Yes, of course. I'm mad for you, boy," I declared, grinning from ear to ear. He had to laugh before he said, "How did I get so lucky, huh? You honestly are the best thing that can happen to anyone. Every man would be the luckiest man to have you, but still you chose me. Why would you choose me?" He shook his head. I  facepalmed him. He looked slightly startled for a moment.

"Because I love you and you are an amazing, kind, loyal and brave human being and did I already say I love you because you are simply amazing?" I answered him, grinning to which he pulled me into his arms again.

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