Chapter 346

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Meanwhile, at the Halstead Residence:
Jay's POV: As I finish making breakfast for me and Erin, I smile as I go to cut up some cheese for Champ. I then went to give it to him when Erin came downstairs in a tight dress. "Jay, you know the trainer said now to feed him human food." I then looked up at her when she said that an nodded. "And I said never to not wear these dresses whenever you can." Going to walk over to her, I smiled as I went to put my hands on her baby bump. Rubbing it, I smiled as I kissed her.

"By the way, still can't believe it's been 2 months." Erin laughed when I said that and nodded. "Still can't wait to go see what the new Firehouse looks like. I am just glad they put a CPD outpost there so that we can use it if there are ever any riots or anything." I sighed when she said that. "Hank told me that he can't get me out of that just to let you know. If we are required to work can stay with me in the truck. I am still driving, that isn't changing."

Erin nodded when I said that. "Don't worry, that'll change in 6 months. Once I have given birth and the doctor has cleared are back in the passenger seat." I then laughed when she said that. "I don't know, I am pretty comfortable in my GMC." Erin just shook her head and walked over to me. "If you even want me to consider having a third child with you..." Putting her hand on my chest, she smirked. "...I am going to be driving the truck. It'll distract me at work."

I then got confused when she said that. "Okay, what are you talking about Erin?" Erin sighed when I said that. "I am talking about when it comes to postnatal hormones. I am going to be a mess after I give birth but, I am going to need to be the tough cop to fit in with the boys when I go back to work. That's just how it is in the world of cops Jay. I am going to need to suck it up and be the strong woman you love even though deep down...I am going to miss the twins."

Seeing her go grab some juice out of the fridge, I got a bit concerned as I went to walk over to her. "Hey, turn around and look at me." Turning around, Erin then looked at me. Cuddling up to her, I went to put my hands on her baby bump while looking at her. "I love you Erin because of your personality. I love you because you are not afraid to show me your vulnerable side. I don't care if you have to show that to me at work because it's what makes me love you."

Erin smiled when I said that before going to step close to me. Wrapping my arms around her, I just held her close while putting my hands on her hips. Leaning back, I went to put my hand on her neck and smiled while going to kiss her softly. "I love you Erin, and that is never going to change. I have always dreamed of being your husband and that will not stop just because of hormones." Erin laughed when I said that and agreed with me. "You're right." I nodded and smiled at her when she said that. "I know that because I am the one who loves you the most."

That's when I heard Hank come into our home. "Not sure about that Halstead. I am pretty sure that I love her more than you do." Turning around to look at him, I groaned. "Hank, what did I tell you about that key! I said emergencies only." I then went to walk over to him and then went to grab his key from him. "Hey!" He then looked at Erin. "Erin, you going to just stand there?" Erin nodded. "Yeah, he has every right to take away the key from you as my husband." I smiled when she said that before going to hang the key up in the place where we keep our spares.

Once that was done, I made my way back out to the kitchen and walked over to the stove where I was making Eggs, Bacon and Toast. "How do you take your eggs again Hank?" Hank then laughed. "You are seriously going to make me breakfast after I just did that?" I nodded when he said that. "Yeah, you are still Erin's dad and my father-in-law/my anniversary babysitter." Erin then looked at me when I said that. "Oh c'mon, of course I am going to want you alone!"

Erin nodded when I said that because she knew it was the truth. She then decided to grab some juice before making her way over to the living room. "Jay, just relax with my dad okay? I am going to go relax in the living room." I nodded and agreed when I looked at Champ. "Champ, go with mama okay?" Champ nodded and then followed Erin to the living room. While he was my therapy dog for PTSD...he had a great effect on Erin too and he helped her calm down easily. That's why I sent him over there...I knew that she was getting a little worked up."

I then went to look at Hank. "By the way, we call first dibs on the CPD outpost. I know Matt personally and we are friends." Hank then laughed. "Sorry, Antonio called dibs first because his sister lives there. Remember, they also have an apartment there." I nodded and agreed with him. "Right, of course. By the way...your FBI friend still here or did she leave already?" Erin then smiled when she asked me that. "She left already. She wants to surprise her sister at the firehouse. Antonio should be on his way there too." I nodded and agreed with her, ready to go see the new firehouse.

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