Chapter 349

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Matt's POV: Once I finished getting Louie changed, I smiled as I set him down on the couch with Jay and Erin. "You guys mind watching him for a minute? I am going to go check on Gabby and then I am going to pack the cooler." Jay nodded when I asked him that. "Sure thing, go ahead man." I nodded and smiled while looking at Louie. "I'll be right back okay bud?" He agreed and smiled as I went into me and Gabby's bedroom. The real reason I had to come in here though was so that I could tell her what happened in his room. I was starting to get scared about it.

Walking into our room, I looked at Gabby and sighed. "He's doing it again." Gabby then turned around to look at me when I said that. "It?" I sighed. "He thinks him being with us isn't going to be permanent." Gabby sighed when I said that. "It hurts you a lot when he says that doesn't it?" I nodded and sighed while going to sit on the bed. "I am trying Gabby. I really am...I am trying to make it so he knows that he is never leaving us but...I am starting to struggle when you aren't being as forceful with the message. Gabby, are you dismissing his worries when you're alone?"

Gabby sighed when I said that. "I don't mean to." I then looked at her and sighed. "Gabby, I am trying here but he doesn't do it to you because you are pregnant. And I don't want to yell at you but...please babe, you need to start being on my side when it comes to this. You think I like hearing our son say that on a daily basis? Him worried that we aren't going to be his parents forever? We need to reinforce this now more than ever. Babe, you are giving birth in 12 weeks! He's going to get jealous over the attention we are giving to the babies. That's a guarantee."

Gabby sighed when I said that. "I'm sorry Matt, I really am." I nodded and then went to get up before going to wrap my arms around her. "I'm sorry too. I should be yelling at you. I am just scared. I don't want him to think we love him any less than these babies here. Gabby, we are going to love both our biological children and him just as much. But unfortunately, you are going to need to really show him that. I am going to be gone a lot and I can't guarantee that I am going to always be able to be up here during shift. I may need to be downstairs with the crew."

Sighing as I looked at Gabby, I went to hold her close. "I'm sorry I'm yelling at you. You know I don't mean to do that right?" Gabby nodded when I said that. "I know that baby." I agreed with her before going to move my hand to her neck. Pushing her head up, I smiled at her before going to kiss her softly. "I love you and I am just getting frustrated. I am his father and to hear that I might not be his permanent father from him himself is hard. Heck, it's starting to make me rethink if we should try for a 3rd child eventually. Gabby, we need to see how Louie is first."

Gabby agreed with me when I said that. "You're right Matt." I smiled when she said that. "Can you forgive me for getting all mad? I am just scared and I of course don't want to make you know that right babe?" Gabby nodded and just came to hug me. Holding her close, I went to kiss her head before pushing her chin up. Kissing her slowly, I smiled as we just held each other close and made each other know that we were in this together. "Listen, Jay and Erin are out there and ready to go to the beach with us." Gabby nodded and agreed with me.

Walking out of the bedroom together, I smiled as I grabbed her hand and intertwined her fingers to see Jay playing with Louie and tickling him. "I think Louie has met his new uncle." Jay then turned to look at us and smiled. "Sorry, I was just practicing my father skills." Gabby smiled when he said that. "Hey, if you ever want to practice your father skills...just let us know, I would love for you to take Louie one night and give me and Matt the place to ourselves." Erin nodded and agreed with her when she said that. "Only if you give us a night in return when these..."

Gabby laughed when she said that. "Yeah, Battalion Chief husband and 3 kids...that's not happening Erin!" I laughed and nodded when she said that. "I hate to say this but...I agree with her Erin. Now listen, let's get going to the beach. I want to go have some fun in the sun before I have to start work as Chief of Firehouse 71 in a couple days." We all agreed when I said that before going to grab our things. "We driving together?" I then looked at Jay when I pointed to their dog Champ. "I am not putting him in my new car. I just got it last week."

Erin then looked at him and smiled. "Anyways, we are not coming back here if I get tired. Make sure you have everything okay Jay? If I get tired, then we are going to head home." Jay nodded and agreed with her when she said that. Getting up, he went to look for all of his things. Gabby then smiled as she came to hug me. "We are going to have fun at the beach today." I nodded and agreed with her. "You okay if Severide comes with us?" Gabby shook her head and smiled. "You texted him in the bedroom didn't you?" I nodded and smiled. "Stella might come too."

Gabby smiled when I said that. "Then I am happy. As long as I have Erin and Stella there. They can help me watch Louie while you boys play beach volleyball." We all agreed and nodded. "Since we have everything. Let's get going." Going to grab the cooler I packed in the kitchen, I went to put it along with the beach bag over my shoulder. "C'mon Louie, shoes on and we are leaving." Louie nodded and agreed. "Okay daddy." I smiled when he said that before going to put my sandals on so that we could head to the beach as a family with Jay and Erin.

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