Chapter 366

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Matt's POV: As I finished getting my drills ready to go, I smiled because I was going to start with some good old laps around the block. They need to warm up and clear their heads. Plus, it will get them talking to their co-workers. That's when I saw Jay and Erin come down. "You going to drill them?" I nodded and agreed. "Might ask Stella to help. I am guessing that you and Erin went to go say hi to the family upstairs?" They nodded and smiled. "I hope that was okay." I nodded and smiled. "Just keep your distance." That's when I saw Hermann come out to me. "Hey Chief."

Looking at him, I smiled. "What's up Hermann?" Hermann then walked up to me. "Listen, since Engine almost always works with Truck...can we just?" I shook my head. "Hermann, you are with Delaney. He is the Deputy Chief on Engine so you report to him. He reports to me. Don't make me have to punish you on your first day here at 71 when I know you are still grieving for Boden. On that matters, how are you doing? Just want to know where your head is at." He agreed and sighed. "I know some of the younger guys are past it's hard. 25 years together man."

I nodded and agreed with him. "Listen, let me go talk to Delaney for a minute." He nodded and agreed with me. Walking through the garage, I decided to go talk to Delaney about me taking Hermann off his hands. I wanted to work closely with him temporarily. "Delaney!" Delaney then turned to look at me. "What's up Chief?" I then sighed and looked at him. "Listen, I know we agreed that Engine would work with you but...I am going to steal your Lieutenant okay?" Delaney was confused. "Why exactly?" I sighed and looked at him. "He's still grieving."

Delaney then laughed. "You think I'll be too tough on him." I sighed when he said that. "No, it's just...I'll be able to tell the difference between him needed a minute to grieve and him needing a minute because he's out of breath. I know that's complicated but.." Delaney nodded when I said that. "I get it. How close were they?" I then sighed. "20 years together at the minimum. They went to work at Ground Zero after 9/11 I think." Delaney then looked at me when I said that. "Listen, you do what you think is better. Can we talk about lining up a replacement maybe?"

I sighed when he said that but knew it was a conversation we should have. "I hate to say this because I have so much respect for the man but...I am thinking that might be necessary since I am not sure how the grief might affect him. He might decide to retire." Delaney nodded and agreed. "You telling me to be easy on him right now?" I shook my head. "No but, just keep an eye on him to make sure he's okay. I have personally promised his wife that he will go home at the end of the day. So, I need to keep my promise and you have to do it for me." Delaney agreed.

"I promise Matt. Now, get going and work with your crew. Want me to work on anything specific?" I then bit my lip. "Maybe get them used to how your Engine is organized. I am thinking of eventually just letting those who are closest be the ones who go on you might have to get used to working with some people who were originally on Engine 51." Delaney agreed with me. "That makes sense. Eventually, we are going to have to stop being Firehouse 20 and Firehouse 51...and just Firehouse 71." I nodded when he said that. "I completely agree."

Delaney smiled at me. "I said that I am sorry about the grief I gave you at first right?" I nodded and looked at him. "I promise it won't happen again." I laughed. "Good because I might get you to do the night shifts for me and I can work every day." Delaney thought about it. "That sounds reasonable. You want to sleep through the night I guess?" I nodded. "And eventually, I am going to need to be here for the night feedings since we are having twins. So...if I can get the nights off, maybe you can be chief during the night and I can be the chief during the day."

Delaney nodded. "Are you still coming to fires at night?" I bit my lip. "Maybe not when the twins are first around but...I am going to try and do as much as I can. But, I am going to at least take the first month off as paternity leave. You can be interim Chief during the time." Delaney smiled when I said that. "At least when out in the field. You are still going to control us when you are here." I nodded and agreed. "Oh yeah." He laughed when I said that when I heard someone walk up late. "Chloe, I am going to be safe...I promise." Cruz then went to kiss his wife and I sighed.

"Delaney, I got this." Delaney agreed and nodded as he walked away. Meanwhile, I went to walk away to go see Cruz since he was late. "Okay, that's enough you newlyweds!" Cruz then turned to look at me and got nervous. "You're late!" He got nervous and agreed. "Sorry Chief." I then just shook my head. "Get changed, 2 laps around the block. I expect you to be on time. We are just opening as Firehouse 71 and I want to make a good first impression in the community." Cruz nodded and agreed as he walked in. "Mask is mandatory Cruz." Cruz nodded and agreed.

Delaney then looked at him and just shook his head. "You are not going to do that again right?" Cruz shook his head. "No Captain Delaney." I then sighed. "Deputy Chief Delaney you mean." Cruz then turned to look at me and nodded. "Sorry Deputy Chief Delaney." I then went to watch him walk away before walking over to Delaney. "He's doing 2 laps around the block for being late." Delaney nodded and laughed. "That's a good punishment." I agreed and smiled when I saw Severide talking to him. However, I went to yell. "Severide, over here please!"

Severide then nodded and came to walk over to me. "What's up Chief? Deputy Chief." Delaney nodded and agreed as he walked away. Meanwhile, I looked at Severide. "He's doing 2 laps around the block for being late when he is changed." Severide nodded and understood when I said that. "Of course Chief." He then went to walk away and I made my way back to Delaney. "Delaney!" Delaney then turned to look at me and smiled. "What's up?" I then sighed. "I am going to take all of your guys to my office and speak to them to get to know them better 1-on-1."

Delaney nodded when I said that. "That sounds like a good idea. Want me to do the same after with all of the guys originally from your house?" I nodded and agreed before going to look at my roster that I had on a clipboard. "That would be great. Can you send me Carving? Followed by Adams and then Jackson?" Delaney then went to turn around to look at his guys. "Carving!" Carving then turned to look at Delaney. "Chief Casey's office. Now!" He agreed and nodded as I walked away to my office so that I could talk to Lieutenant Carving of Truck 71's 1st Shift.

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