Matt & Gabby's Hospital Stay: June 17th-23rd

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Matt's Diary: 
This week I celebrated my first father's day since we got Louie back and had the twins. And god was it hard to celebrate it. I had to leave Gabby behind a bit because I decided to go do something with Louie. We went to get ice cream and everything. We called Gabby once (or twice) so that he (I) could call and check up on her. And honestly, she has been the strongest woman I have ever met since we got to the hospital. She has taken everything with stride. Oh, another thing I did with the family (we got Gabby out once while Antonio stayed). We found a house.

We decided the firehouse was no longer where we were going to live since we didn't know what I was going to be doing. Lucky for us, our old place was back on the market (or still on the market, not sure since I forget if we even sold it) and now we moved back in. Actually, I am pretty sure that we still owned it because we never paid and actually didn't have to do anything since it was in the same condition as before. However, that also meant I had to commute (not that the house is far.) Actually, it's closer than Firehouse 51 was so that's even better.

Oh and one last thing, apparently Boden, Shay, Ottis and Hannah (my sister) came to get our late son last week so that was interesting. Speaking of which, we decided to change Hanna Maria's name. We decided it would just be easier on her if it was Hannah with an H instead of without. However that didn't really matter to us because as long as she was safe and healthy, that's all that matters. God, I can't wait to get out of this place again. Now, let's get resting so that I can be more help in the middle of the night. Apparently, I slept through one feeding.

Gabby's Diary:
God, I am so grateful that the babies are okay...honestly, I could care less as to whether I am okay, as long as the babies are okay. Okay fine, I want to survive for Louie and I am. But right now, I am just glad that the twins are okay and that we have decided that we are done having kids. Also another thing, I loved the fact that Matt returned to Truck so that he could be home more. He was working day shifts as co-Chief of Firehouse 71 while Delaney is working night shifts. God, that is amazing. But I am also glad the he won't have to work every day.

He's going to be on shift two shift the next two for the rest of his career. They changed it for the entire firehouse because they didn't want to have to get them tired. Plus, some people had day jobs and wanted to help out there more during COVID. Matt took the day shift and he was able to be home at a reasonable time. But right now, he is on paternity leave and is all mine. By the way, Only 2 more weeks until we are home!! God, I am so excited. I just hope that Matt put everything back how we like it. I am not going to changing anything.

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