Chapter 416

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Matt's POV: When I heard that Severide was getting promoted, I was shocked. "You mean that you are going to be a Captain!" Severide laughed. "Yeah, the whole me transferring was before that happened. Apparently, someone put me up for a meritorious promotion because of a call I did during that horrible snowstorm while we were still Firehouse 51." I was shocked when he said that. "Wow, that's...crazy." He agreed with me. "Yeah, Stella is thrilled. It's why we aren't getting married until it's official. I want to wear my Captain Uniform to the Wedding."

I was shocked when he said that. "Wow, this is news. Not that I am really shocked considering I was the one who put you up for it. I just didn't hear back yet." Severide was confused. "Wait, you?" I agreed. "Sure, we had a tussle about it but you did a great job. Plus, you were controlling a couple shifts so...that's what I did." Severide laughed when I said that. "Well thanks Matt." I smiled when he said that. "Listen, let me just do something." I then went to get up and walked over to our room. "Hey Gabby?" Gabby then looked at me while she was reading in bed.

"You remember that thing I put in for Severide to get the promotion?" Gabby looked at me when I said that. "Oh my god, did it get accepted?" I nodded and smiled. "Listen, I get we just got home but...what do you say we invite them over...we can introduce them to the babies and toast to it? You can pump and stuff so that we can have wine?" Gabby then smiled when I said that. "Put me on speaker first." I agreed and smiled before walking over to her, I then put Severide on speaker. "Severide? It's Gabby!" Severide then spoke to her. "Hey, how's the recovery going?"

Delaney then spoke to her too. "How are you Gabby?" Gabby then smiled. "I am doing much better and I am off bed rest. I am just resting in bed because we just got back from the hospital. However, that doesn't mean I am not going to toast Severide's promotion." I smiled when she said that. "Stella has to come too so you can meet the twins." Kelly agreed. "Of course Matt. Want us to get COVID tested first?" I then bit my lip. Gabby however wanted that. "Matt, think of Louie and the babies. Louie is minority population and the twins are immuno-compromised."

I nodded and agreed with her when she said that. "Right, of course. I am sorry I even brought it up." I then went to sit next to her and grabbed her hand. "Listen, maybe another time?" Gabby agreed with me when I said that. "Yeah, tell Severide to get tested and we will talk about it again." I nodded when she said that. "Of course." I then went to get up. "I'm almost done work. What do you want for supper?" Gabby then smiled. "Can you just make some Mac n Cheese with ground beef?" I then laughed. "Sure thing, that sounds great for the entire family."

I then got up and smiled at her. "Let me just finish my call. But how about you feed them and then you can come sit in the living room for a bit? I will give Louie a bath after supper." Gabby then shook her head. "I got it. I know I'm supposed to be resting but...I can at least do that okay?" I nodded and agreed with her. "Of course. Now, I am going to finish my call." Gabby agreed and nodded as she turned to look at Louie. "C'mon Louie, let's go have a bit of fun in the bath." Louie nodded when she said that before getting up to take a bath.

Walking back out to my office, I smiled as I continued my conversation with Severide. "Listen, so Gabby just vetoed you coming over. I wasn't thinking....and there's COVID with the babies and everything." Severide understood. "Of course. But we could do a virtual supper on your TV." I agreed with him when I turned to look at Gabby. "Virtual supper with them?" She agreed with me and nodded. "Yes!" I then smiled. "Sure thing. Now for the chiefs. Promise me that you don't do the promotion ceremony until I am there. I want to do it for my best friend please!"

Delaney laughed when I said that. "Of course Chief Casey! There is nobody else who should have the honor to do it. I mean, he is your best friend." I smiled when he said that. "And my future best man. Me and Gabby are thinking of doing a vow renewal someday." Severide agreed with me when I said that. "Of course, we have to be each other's best men like we promised each other. Now listen, we have taken up enough of your time. You must have to make supper for your family." I agreed. "Yeah. Mac n' Cheese with Ground Beef." 

Patterson (seemed) to like the sound of that. "That actually sounds good. I should try that with my daughter. She loves mac n' cheese and I need her to eat more meat. Thanks for the idea Matt!" I laughed and agreed. "She thinking of being a firefighter like her dad?" That's when I decided to start making supper while still talking to them all. Getting the ground beef out of the fridge...(I took it out since I knew we would need it soon)...I went to grab a pan to start cooking it. I then also grabbed a pot to start the mac n' cheese.

Going to put some water in the pot, I smiled when I went to grab 2 boxes of Kraft Dinner so we had enough for me, Gabby, Louie and leftovers for lunch tomorrow. Putting it all on the counter, I then went to start boiling the water. However, right when I did that...Gabby yelled for me. "Matt?" I then went to speak to everybody. "Hey guys, be right back." Severide agreed. "Of course." I then went to walk over to the bedroom and looked at Gabby. "What's up?"

Gabby then sighed. "I forgot his towel and I just put him in." I agreed and nodded before walking over to his room to grab his towel. Bringing it to her, I smiled. "Listen, I will listen for the twins. Take your time and make sure you don't crouch. Sit down on the ground and have some fun with him. I will let you know when supper is ready." Gabby nodded when I said that before watching as I walked away. Going to back to the kitchen. "Sorry, had to get her a towel."

Patterson then went to answer my question. "To answer your question about my daughter, she is not there yet. She wants to be a cop. With all this George Floyd stuff..." I sighed when he said that. "I know. Being a dad to children who are racially's scary." He agreed with me. "Yeah, I get where you come from." Severide then went to speak with me and shocked me with what he said. "Dude, what's the big deal? I mean, he was making an arrest."

I was just shocked and dumfounded when he said that. "Severide, what the hell!" 

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