Chapter 453

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Car Accident, I-90 at Halsted & Canalport
Matt's POV: After rushing to the scene with Squad 3, Truck 81, Engine 51 and Ambo 61...I get out of my truck to see how bad it truly is. Not only are we dealing with a car accident on the freeway but we are also dealing with a car accident on the ramps onto and off the freeway. I was just glad that the CPD was already on scene. Walking over to Ruzek, I looked at him. "Ruzek!" Ruzek then turned to look at me. "Hey Casey, what you need?" I then looked at him. "Where did the car accident start? Which ones are more critical?" He then looked at me. "I would start on I-90!"

I agreed with him. "Sylvie, get onto I-90. Captain Severide, move onto Interstate. Check the cars and see if we need to put fires out. Engine 51, go find me some water. Truck 81, get on the interstate and be prepared to put a fire out." They all agreed and followed my orders when I decided to call for backup. "Chief Casey to Delaney." Delaney then replied to me. "You need me on scene Chief?" I agreed with him. "Please bring entire house. Larger than expected." He agreed with me when I said that. "We are on route Chief." I then told him where to go. "Get onto I-90 with Squad. Captain Severide is already on scene. He will retain control."

He agreed with me as he made his way here. Watching Truck 81 and Engine 51 get their hoses ready, I realized that we were very close to power lines. "Reminder Firehouse 71, we are close to powerlines and we are under a tornado warning. Please avoid power lines if possible!" They all agreed with me when I said that. I then went to watch and just hoped that nobody got hurt. Seeing traffic was on both ends, I sighed and went to radio to Jay and Antonio. "Chief Casey to Detective Halstead." Jay then replied to me. "What's up Matt?" I then sighed. "Can you get me on with Gabby?" Jay agreed and put me on with Gabby. "You okay Matt? You hurt, talk to me!"

"I'm fine babe, can you move all medical operations into the firehouse. I know you had some in the driveway but it's not safe. We will leave the trucks in the driveway and on the street but, we need to move the hospital into the house. Make sure that they are in the center. I would rather not have a powerline fall on. The powerlines are looking like they are moving pretty hard." She agreed with me when I said that. "Okay, good call. I will talk to the medical team here and get them to move their operations into the garage. Want us to convert one of the lounges into a medical area too?" I then thought about it and declined. "Let's see how it goes. Just inside."

That's when I saw Sylvie get her stretcher out and walked over to the ramps. "Chief, can you get the ambos to move to the interstate? The pileup is worse here." I agreed with him. "Sylvie, move to interstate with Captain Severide. Chief Casey to Chief Hatcher." Chief Hatch got my message. "What's up Casey?" I then took a breath. "I need you to re-route some ambos to I-90 at Halstead and Canalport. Massive car accident with mass casualties." He agreed with me. "I'll get some on route." I agreed and then went to get to work when Delaney spoke to me. "We are on scene Chief with Severide. I came right after you left because I had a bad feeling." I agreed.

"Good Call Delaney." I then went to talk to Hermann. "Hermann give me a status update. How are we with preparations?" Hermann then looked at me. "We are doing good. Water is connected and we are ready to start whenever you are ready." I agreed. "Move the aerial on top of the freeway and be ready to spray if you see fire."  That's when Severide came off the freeway with a patient. "I have one Casey." I then looked at Sylvie. "Ambo 61, go to nearest hospital and then come back!" She agreed and nodded, getting the patient out of Severide's arms and onto the stretcher. That's when I recognized her. "Holy shit. Severide!"

Severide then turned to look at me. "What's..." That's when he recognized her. It was Donna!

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