Chapter 406

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Back next door with the Caseys:
Matt's POV: As I stand in the kitchen making Gabby a snack, I smile considering I am currently spending a little time with my little man Gabriel Matthew Casey. That's when I realized something...he is named after both me and Gabby. Gabriel(a) Matthew Casey. That's when I heard Gabby come out of the bedroom. "What's got you laughing so much?" I then turned to look at her and smiled. "Our little guy's name." Gabby was confused when I said that. "His name is Gabriel Matthew Casey." Gabby then looked at me. "I know, we picked the name."

I then went to walk over to her. "Gabby, we named him after you and me." That's when it clicked for Gabby and we both laughed. "We are not changing his name because I liked it. I didn't pick Gabriel because it was my name by the way..." I was confused when she said that. "Then why did we pick it?" Gabby then smiled. "The Angel Gabriel." I nodded and agreed with her when she said that. "That makes sense." Gabby then smiled at me when I said that. "Just curious, did you already set up the cable and the internet here? I didn't even ask." I nodded when she said that.

"Go relax on the couch babe. I will be right there but want to grab our namesake so that you can feed him." Gabby nodded and smiled as she looked at Gabriel as he sat in his basinet on the counter. "Hi Gabriel, you ready to have some milk?" I smiled when she said that. "You made a bottle in case Hannah woke up right?" Gabby looked at me when I said that and nodded. That's when I heard Louie wake up from his nap and come out from his bedroom with his blanket. "I hear mama?" Gabby then went to call for him. "In the living room big man."

Louie nodded and agreed with her before going to make his way to the living room. "Mama, that my brother?" Gabby nodded and smiled. "Here, how about you come sit in my lap and we can hold him together?" Louie nodded when she said that. Gabby made sure however that he was careful when he got into her lap and I was glad she did that. Not that I didn't trust her but...I was always worried that Louie would hit one of the babies (by accident of course) and then I would have a huge mess in my hands. That's when I finished making Gabby a bowl of Greek Yogurt.

Apparently, it was supposed to be good for new moms if they are breastfeeding. Putting a crunched up nut bar in there, I went to grab her a spoon before carrying it over to her. "Here, I got you some Greek yogurt with some nuts. I talked to Christie and Heather about what they ate as snacks while breastfeeding." Gabby then looked up at me and smiled. "Thanks. Do you think maybe you can go check on Hannah? She was still asleep last time I checked. One thing you forgot to set up was the baby monitors." I nodded and agreed with her. "Don't have one."

I then went to make a joke while walking back over to the kitchen to get a yogurt for Louie and the bowl I made for myself. "Then looks like I know what I am getting you for your birthday." Gabby turned to look at me when I said that. "That's not funny." I then went to walk over to her and Louie with a little spoon for him when I heard Hannah crying in the bedroom. "See, told you that we don't need one. We can hear them in here." I nodded when Gabby said that. "I am going to grab a bottle I already got ready. I knew she was going to have to eat soon."

Gabby smiled and agreed with me. "See, what did I tell are a natural." I smiled and nodded when she said that. Grabbing the bottle I already made (and left on the counter), I went to walk into our bedroom to get Hannah. "Oh, there there princess. Daddy's here and he's going to give you a bottle of some of mommy's milk." Gabby smiled when I talked to Hannah liked that. "God, you are so good a baby talk." Picking her up, I then went to carry her out of our bedroom so that I could join Gabby, Louie and Gabriel in the living room.

That's when Louie looked at me. "Daddy, can we watch TV?" I then looked at Gabby and bit my lip. "Aren't babies not supposed to be exposed to TV?"  Gabby nodded when I said that. "Yeah but, what is Louie supposed to do in the middle of COVID?" I nodded and agreed with her before going to grab the remote. I then went to turn it on and put it on Disney for him. Setting the remote down, I saw that I was getting a call. Grabbing the phone, I went to check who it was and I smiled at Gabby. "It's your sister." Gabby smiled when I said that. "Answer please!"

I nodded when she said that and agreed with her...ready to talk to her sister Sofia.

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