Chapter 378

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Severide's POV:
As I came out of the fire, I looked at Matt because I knew that he was mad at me. Walking over to me, he just shook his head. "What did I tell you about disobeying my orders? And literally on my first day...with the commissioner here you disobey my orders! Lt. Severide, do you like your position as Squad Lieutenant at Firehouse 71?" I then looked at Matt and got scared. "Dude, it's..." He then shut me down. "It's not dude or Matt right's Chief Casey. Be lucky that I just suspended you from your Lieutenancy for Shift. Disobey me again, you are done for the rest of shift." He then went to walk away and I just sighed. "Not my fault that you didn't like the fact that I wanted to save an extra life. I saw the body on my way down Matt!" 

Casey then turned to look at me and was not impressed. He then walked up to me and just shook his head. "I gave you your position back when we moved to the new house because I wanted to trust my new leadership. I am the CHIEF of Firehouse are the LIEUTENANT of Squad 3. You are 2 ranks below me! Are we clear where we stand Severide?" I then looked at him. "Dude, it's our first shift since you..." Casey then stared at me. "That is not true and you know it. Keep talking and you will loose your honeymoon vacation and be suspended from shift." I then got scared when he said that because I knew he meant business. "And just to let you know...Deputy Chief Delaney will be taking his Squad qualification course. You will assist him."

I then stared at him when he said that. "He will what now?" Matt nodded when I asked him that. "Become a captain before he does that and I will change my mind. But he wants to help out more around the house as my deputy. He asked about Squad and I said that if he takes the initiative to get Squad certified, I will consider making him the head of Squad at Firehouse 71. Now, get your squad back to the firehouse and get me your report done now. You do not leave out the fact that you disobeyed orders. Are we clear LIEUTENANT Severide." I nodded and looked at him when he said that. I knew he was just showing off for Grissom and I knew that I could get him to change his mind when we got back to the house. "Guys, pack up and let's go."

Matt's POV:
As I finished talking to Severide, I made my way back over to Antonio who had the photographer in handcuffs. "You come anywhere near my scene again and I will make sure to charge you with what you did years ago. My brother-in-law is a cop and he is holding you right now. He will find a way to charge you with it years ago. And stay away from Firehouse 71. Are we clear." He nodded when I said that and agreed with me, scared. I then proceeded to walk over to Deputy Chief Delaney. I then sighed and looked at him. He knew I was frustrated with Severide and just looked at me. "Want me to take him off your hands for the shift?" I sighed and looked at him. "I want you to get Squad Certified." Delaney was shocked when I said that. "You do?"

I nodded when he asked me that. "Yeah, I need a buffer in between me and him. He is my best friend and also my inferior. Sometimes, he has trouble my authority over him and I need someone who can be my middle man. So, take the squad course and I will appoint you squad captain at the house. I mean, if you want..." Delaney nodded when I said that. "Sure thing, I will do that. We need to make sure they stay in line." I agreed with him. "Well actually, it would be Deputy Chief for Squad instead of captain." He laughed when I said that and agreed with me. "I will talk to him for you okay? I think he's still scared of me." I sighed when he said that. "I don't need him to be scared of you though Delaney...I need him to respect our authority over him."

Delaney agreed with me and nodded when I said that. "I promise to get Squad certified." I nodded and then went to walk over to my truck to take a breather. That's when I saw Hermann there. "You guys have a tussle?" I laughed when he said that. "You could call it that. I swear, some things never change. Severide still has problems with my authority over him. I mean, it has been that way for over 4 years now." Hermann nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "Listen, just talk to him more." I shook my head. "I am done talking to him about it. This is the second time I have had to demote him since I became Chief. If he does it again, I am promoting Cruz permanently." Hermann agreed with me when I said that. "You do what you need to do."

Hermann's POV:
As I watched Matt walk away to go get in his Jeep, I could tell that he was deflated. He knew that this job was getting hard...heck I knew that this job was hard. I saw how hard it was on Boden all the time and I knew it would just get harder on Matt as his family expanded. Why didn't Severide understand that? Matt should've never had to take over this young. And then the CFD puts him in the role of Battalion Chief of the new mega-firehouse 71...with a man who doesn't like other people to be above him. And then to have to deal with your best friend under you, it's hard too.

Oh and here's something else I just learned...Lee Henry wants to join the fire academy and wants to be guaranteed a spot at the new house as the candidate. I was thinking of bringing it up with Matt at some point today but, that will not happen considering he is not in a good mood. Going to get in my truck, I looked at Doherty and nodded. "Let's get back to the firehouse. Don't bother Chief Casey when we get there because he just had a tussle with Severide." Doherty agreed and nodded when I said that. He then went to turn on the truck before driving back to Firehouse 71.

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