Chapter 361

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Matt's POV: After making my way into to the apartment, I smiled as I went to take off my coat when I saw Gabby come out of the washroom with Louie. She already gave him a bath so he was now in his PJs again before our movie marathon tonight. I decided that I was done work and was just going to spend time with them considering I was going to be working tomorrow. "You look comfortable in your PJs Louie." Louie smiled and nodded. "Mommy said you got my favorite?" I nodded and smiled when he said that, setting the food down on our dinning room table.

Gabby then smiled at me. "Listen, I will get the food out of the bag. Can you go wash your hands?" I nodded and agreed with her before going to wash my hands. "Hermann said that he likes the firehouse." Gabby nodded when I said that before going to open the bag of food. Taking the salad out, she smiled. "Good, they made it right this time." I laughed and agreed. "I am pretty sure the chefs there are being extra careful to not make us mad tonight. They know that I am going to be tough on them tomorrow." Gabby nodded when I said that. "Not too tough."

I nodded and smiled while coming to join her with getting the food out. "Hey, did you book your next appointment with the OB/GYN?" Gabby nodded when I asked her that. "This time, it's virtual. Next time, it's at the hospital. But the appointment is June 5th at 2." I nodded when she said that. "You are trying to book them around my shifts aren't you?" Gabby nodded. "Yeah, I don't like having to ask Antonio to watch Louie while I am at these appointments. I am also scared that I am going to have to learn bad news." I sighed when she said that. "It's twins."

I sighed when she said that because I knew that she was scared that she was going to loose one of the twins like she did one of the triplets. "Gabby, you are not going to be loosing one of the babies, they are safe and everything is going to be okay...I promise." I then went to walk over to her and wrapped my arms around her. Kissing her softly, I just smiled and held her close. "Everything is going to be okay Gabby, I promise okay?" Gabby nodded when I said that and just went to rub my arms. "Sorry if I am still a little scared the further we get along in the pregnancy."

I nodded when she said that and understood, kissing her forehead softly. "Just rely on me and remember that I am always here for you. If you need me, I can ask Delaney to take over for an hour and come be with you. He knows that I want to be here during the pregnancy and he also knows that we are getting close to the end." Gabby nodded when I said that before rubbing my arms. Looking up at me, she smiled while I pushed her chin up and went to kiss her softly. "I love you and I promise that everything is going to be okay. I love you, you know that right?"

Gabby nodded when I said that and agreed with me. "Of course I know that because I love you too." I smiled when she said that before leaning down and kissing her softly. "Listen, let's sit down and eat okay?" Gabby nodded and agreed with me as we both went to sit down. I then saw her relax once we were sitting down because she knew everything was going to be okay at the end of the day because we were together as a family. And honestly, that's all that matters.

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