Chapter 456

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Matt's POV:
Once my mom finished getting checked out downstairs, I helped her upstairs to me and Gabby's apartment so that she could rest. "No mom, you are taking the good bed. We are not going to make you sleep on the pull out couch when you have been diagnosed with a concussion." My mom sighed when I said that, but she (reluctantly) agreed with my request that she stay in our bed instead of sleeping on the pull out couch. Helping her into bed, I smiled at her. "I already called Christie and she is using your spare key to get you some clothes."

My mom nodded when I said that and agreed with me as she went to lay down. Looking at her, I smiled. "Now listen, if you even think you are going to try and have another thing coming. I am right downstairs so I am going to see you...and my doctor friends are going to stop you. They already know that you have a concussion because they were the ones who diagnosed you with having one. They are going to stop you from leaving so, just give it up mom and please...for my sake, relax and just stay here with us. Stay with your grandchildren."

That's when I saw Louie get on the bed with my mom. "Grandma, you okay?" My mom then smiled as Louie looked at her. "Grandma will be okay." I looked at Louie and smiled. "Hey little man, how about you come give daddy a hug?" Louie then nodded as he got up before coming to hug me. "You being safe daddy? Mommy has been worried." I then nodded as held him before looking at Gabby. "You need to talk to me about something?" Gabby sighed and looked at me before nodding. "How about you go into the little washroom up here okay?" Gabby nodded.

Turning to look at my mom, I smiled at her. "Do you mind if..." My mom nodded and smiled. "Go ahead and talk to her." I nodded and agreed with her before going to walk into the washroom to go talk to Gabby. Walking in, I looked at her and saw that she was nervous. "You okay?" Gabby then sighed. "I hate to even think this Matt...I really do but, what if your mom have COVID?" I then looked at her when she said that. Stepping close to her, I went to kiss her forehead and held her close. Feeling Gabby wrap her arms around me, I just sighed. "We don't know Gabby."

Looking up at me, Gabby nodded and went to kiss me softly. "I am not saying that I want her to leave though okay? I just want to be cautious when it comes to this. If any of us get it...then I want her to quarantine and I want to go home." I nodded when she said that. "Babe, how much news have you been watching recently?" Gabby just looked down and sighed. Meanwhile, I went to push her chin up and looked at her. "Gabby, we are going to be fine. Nothing is going to happen to us...I promise." Gabby nodded when I said that before going to kiss me softly.

"Can she move in with us for the rest of the pandemic? Maybe she can watch Louie when I am working and just you and the twins can come?" Gabby thought about it and nodded as she wrapped her arms around me. Holding each other close, I just smiled while kissing Gabby slowly. "You have no idea how much I want to just take you in my arms and make love to you." Gabby laughed when I said that and smiled as she kissed me softly. "Maybe when we are at home later." I agreed and smiled. "I actually have to take a shower." Gabby smirked.

"Think your mom would be okay watching the kids for a minute?" My mom then yelled when she said that. "If you want to go help downstairs in the field hospital Gabby, go ahead!" We then laughed while waking back out to look at my mom. "You sure?" She then smiled at us and nodded. "That's because look who just arrived." Christie looked at us both. "I don't live far from mom's place remember?" I laughed when she said that and nodded before going to walk over to her. "Where is the crew?" I then smiled. "Still working." She agreed with me.

"Listen, if you need a minute...go ahead. I am here to take care of mom and Violet is going to help with the twins as well as Louie. We heard what Gabby was doing and thought we could come. Antonio called too plus, he wants me safe so he is going to come here too." I agreed and nodded. "Listen, I am going back downstairs because I have to change my shirt. I have to take a shower so can you bring me a fresh shirt down babe?" Gabby agreed and smiled as she went to kiss me softly. "Go ahead and take a breath." I agreed and nodded when she said that.

I then proceeded to leave the apartment and make my way downstairs to the showers.

Gabby's POV:
Once Matt left to go back downstairs (and into the showers), I just smiled as I looked at Christie. "You guys just going to stay here now?" She laughed and nodded. "Yeah, Antonio was getting worried with the tornado so he insisted that I come here. Once I heard my mom was here too...I just came. I hope it's okay." I nodded and smiled. "It means I can go help downstairs while I have somebody watching the kids. You guys okay with that?" Christie nodded and smiled. "Of course." I then went to hug her and smiled. "You are a lifesaver, it's crazy busy down there. We'll figure out the sleeping arrangements later."

Christie then laughed. "Oh, I am just staying until she's cleared. Then we are going to go back to me and Antonio's place." I looked at her when she said that before hearing Matt come out of our closet. "Sorry, just got my new shirt." I agreed and nodded. "And you are going to take her to your place Christie?" Christie nodded. "Yeah, I want her to move in with us. Or you guys." Matt nodded and smiled. "We'll talk about it. However, you are telling me before you leave." Christie nodded and smiled. "Of course. Now go downstairs and help. I have the kids and mom." Matt nodded and smiled as he went to hug his sister.

Once that was done, Matt walked over to me so that we could head downstairs and shower.

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