Detective Sgt. Erin L. Halstead

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4 Days Later on July 6th, 2020 - Halstead Residence:
Jay's POV: As I finish getting ready in my dress uniform for probably one of the hardest days in Erin's life, I sighed when I came into the master bathroom of our home. Walking up behind her, I saw her do up her outfit and just sighed. "At least they are going to let you take the reigns from a distance. That is the only good part about this." Erin sighed when I said that before going to put her hands on her stomach. "Heck, it barely fits. And I think this is a man's uniform."

I sighed when she said that and nodded. I then went to turn her around in my arms and just brought her close. "Listen, I know that today is going to be hard need to know how proud I am of you. You have taken this in stride and I couldn't be any prouder to be your husband or the father of our children." Erin nodded when I said that before going to kiss me. Putting my hands on her stomach, I just held her close while taking it slow with her.

That's when I looked at her new name tag and smiled. "Detective Sergeant Erin L. Halstead?" Erin nodded when I said that. "Yeah, I want to have your last name because I am proud of it. My husband is a decorated military veteran and I want to share a last name with our children." I smiled when she said that. Leaning in, I went to kiss her again when I felt Erin but her hand on my neck. "Of course, I am taking over right during one of our biggest cases."

I nodded when she said that. "Just remember what you promised me. We are doing your swearing in outside...then we are doing the walk by before coming home. You are not going to be working from the district. Instead, you are going to work here in the office with me by your side." Erin agreed with me when I said that. "I know Jay. I agreed to that because it is better for the babies. I am not ready to use Hank's office anyways. It's still his office in my mind."

I nodded when she said that and sighed because I felt bad for her. Now that Hank has died, none of our parents are ever going to meet their grandchildren. Putting my hand on Erin's stomach...I went to look at her. "Jayson Henry Halstead." Erin looked up at me when I said that and smiled. "I like that. It honors the two most important men in my life. The man who saved me from a horrible life and introduced me to the love of my life. And my military hero husband."

I smiled when she said that before going to kiss her softly. That's when Erin got a call from Platt. Going to answer it, she smiled. "Hey Platt." Platt then spoke to her. "Just to let you know the Commissioner is going to be here in 30 minutes. She just called to let me know ahead of time." Erin agreed with her when she said that, and so did I since we had the phone on speaker. "We are just finishing getting ready. You want me to make breakfast or we picking it up?"

Platt then went to remind us of something. "You are having a breakfast meeting with her. And yes, you can join Halstead." Erin then laughed. "Actually Platt, you are going to have to call him Jay now...I am Det. Sgt. Erin L. Halstead." Platt was shocked when she said that. "You took his name!" I agreed when she said that. "Yeah, I insisted on it. My family is English! We do things a little old fashioned. And by the's Det. Halstead, Principal Deputy Head of Intelligence."

Platt was shocked when I said that. "Wait, you made him Principal Deputy Head of Intelligence instead of Antonio?" Erin agreed. "He is my husband Platt! Plus, he has more seniority than Antonio." Platt laughed when she said that. "Nice try, he doesn't." I then went to remind her of something. "I started with a 2 year advance in seniority because the CPD gave me credit for my time in the military. I served 18 months in the military. How do you think I am above Ruzek?"

Platt then remembered that. "Right. Just to let you know, Casey, Dawson and Mouch are all going to be here at your ceremony. They asked for tickets. Remember, you had to have tickets to attend." We both smiled when she said that. "Then we might as well go in together. Thanks again Platt and tell the Commissioner we are on our way." She agreed when I said that. "Of course. See you soon Sergeant."  Erin then turned around to look at me.

Stepping close to her, I smiled as I went to wrap my arms around her. "I am so proud of you, you know that right?" Erin nodded and smiled when I said that. "And I love you like crazy." Erin then leaned up to kiss me and smiled as we held each other close for a minute. Feeling her lay her head down on my chest, I went to kiss it before whispering in her ear. "Hank would be so proud of you. You know he would want you to do this...follow him in his footsteps as head of intel?"

Erin smiled when I said that and nodded. "Yeah, I know. Now listen...I need to grab a snack. Then, we are going to have breakfast with the Commissioner." I nodded and agreed when she said that. Grabbing her hand, I went to intertwine our fingers while leading her out to the kitchen so that we could have breakfast together. "Oh, don't forget our bag. I might want to get changed there since this isn't very comfortable." I nodded and agreed, grabbing it.

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