Chapter 430

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30 minutes into Matt and Gabby's intimate time together, their time is (unfortunately) cut short when the babies start to cry because they are getting hungry. Let's just say Matt is not pleased.

Matt's POV:
God, I swear...I love my kids but, you seriously can't give me right now? I haven't had your mother in a while and now...right when Louie is with my sister and Antonio, we try and get close to one another and you disturb us. Getting up, I walk over to the end of the bed and look down at Hannah since she was the first one who cried. "I swear, you are so lucky that you are the most adorable baby girl in the world...because you just interrupted my intimate time with your mom." Gabby looked at me when I said that. "Shut up, we both know you love your kids!"

Looking up at Gabby, I smiled and nodded when she said that. "Of course I do." Gabby smiled and agreed with me. "Don't worry, I am going to stay in my underwear. Once they are both fed we can continue if you want." I smirked when she said that. "If I want? You mean because I want to. Gabby, please...we both know that I want you bad." Gabby laughed when I said that and agreed with me before watching as I carried Hannah towards her. "You said you made a bottle for Gabriel right?" Gabby then looked at me when I said that and nodded. "I think so."

Picking Hannah up from her crib, I went to carry her to Gabby so that she could feed her. "Here, you can start feeding her. I am going to see if we have a bottle in the fridge." Gabby nodded when I said that. "Can you put your clothes back on? I think we are done and we should wait until later if you want to try and get intimate again." I nodded when she said that. "Sure thing." Walking over to the chair we had in our room, I went to grab my clothes and then went to get dressed so that I could be comfortable and so that we could relax. 

Getting dressed, I looked at Gabby while smiling at her "You need a snack or anything?" Gabby then nodded when I said that. "Can you get me some yogurt with that little nut mix?" I nodded and agreed with her when she said that. "Of need to keep up with your protein intake so that you can keep breastfeeding the kids." Gabby nodded when I said that and smiled as I went to get some yogurt and trail mix for Gabby. Opening the fridge, I went to grab the yogurt before grabbing the trail mix in the fridge. That's when I got a call from Severide.

Answering it, I smirked because (I think) this is the first time I have spoken to him since he got approved for a meritorious promotion to Squad Captain. "Hello Captain Severide." Severide then laughed. "It was approved right? I keep forgetting." Severide agreed. "Just be a captain man. How are you?" Severide then smiled. "Good, I was wondering if you wanted to get out to celebrate that? I know you said that...." I sighed when he said that. "Dude, I just got home 4 days ago. I am not ready to go out. Heck, I am still tired because of how worried I was the entire time."

Severide understood when I said that. "Yeah, that makes sense. But they are home safe now." I agreed with him. "I know, that's the best part. However, I am currently getting a snack ready for Gabby. With her breastfeeding...she needs to eat a lot of protein." Severide agreed with me. "Dude, I can already hear it in your voice how much more relaxed you are." I agreed with him when he said that. "Yeah, I agree with you when you say that. But what do you expect? My wife and twins were in the hospital for almost 2 months." Severide agreed with me.

"Yeah, I don't think I could bear to see Stella in there for that long." I agreed with him when he said that. I then went to grab the bowl for Gabby and put in some nut mix. Mixing it, I then went to make myself a bowl since it was very health and quite tasty. "Luckily, we aren't going to have to deal with that anytime soon. By the way, I saw you sent me an e-mail. Is it personal or private?" Severide then laughed. "I wanted your opinion on wedding venues. I want to set a realistic budget. I told Stella that I want you guys to help us plan the wedding."

I laughed when he said that. "You mean you want me and Gabby to plan your entire wedding and you just show up?" Severide liked the sound of that. "Would you guys do it?" I then laughed. "Only if it would be a joint-wedding/me and Gabby's vow renewal." That's when I heard Gabby yell out to me. "WE ARE NOT DOING THAT!" I sighed when she said that. "Severide, how about you get Stella on the line and we can talk to Gabby for a while." He agreed with me when I said that. "Sure thing, just give me a minute." I nodded and agreed with him before grabbing my phone.

Walking back to me and Gabby's bedroom, I smiled when I came in to see her breastfeeding Hannah. "Shit, I forgot the milk for Gabriel." Gabby nodded when I said that. "Give me your phone, I will talk to Severide and you can get it." I agreed and nodded when she said that before going to put the phone in between us. Meanwhile, I went back to the kitchen so that I could grab the milk for Gabriel.

Gabby's POV:
While Matt walked away to get the bottle of milk for Gabriel, I smiled while going to speak to Severide. "You getting used to the idea of Captain Kelly Severide?" Severide laughed when I said that. "Honestly, I am. I am just hoping it does happen because I think Delaney is aiming to take my job even though he said he wouldn't." I sighed when he said that. "Okay Kelly, can you do me a favor and not talk about work right now? I have been in the hospital for a while and I just want to be a wife and a mom right now...not a Battalion Chief's wife."

Walking back into the room with the bottle of milk for Gabriel, Matt just laughed. "You do realize that you are always going to be a Battalion Chief's wife right? Technically, I am only on paternity leave from going to work. If they have aa meeting with all the Battalion Chiefs in all of Chicago, they told me that they want me to join in on the computer." I nodded when he said that and agreed with me. "So, how does Stella feel about you being above her again? I mean, she would still be a Lieutenant but you would be a Captain?"

Stella decided to answer the question herself as I watched Matt grab Gabriel out of his crib before getting in bed with me again. "I am getting used to the idea that Severide would outrank me again. However, I know that he would always go easy on me." Matt agreed with her when she said that. "Just like I would do if Gabby ever decided to come back to the CFD as a paramedic." I looked at him when he said that. "Would I be at 71?" Matt nodded when I said that. "I already spoke to Hatcher and said I want you at 71 if you come back."

I sighed when he said that. "And would I be partnered with Sylvie as PIC or just as a paramedic?" Matt bit his lip when I said that and just went to grab my hand. "Unfortunately, Sylvie would be PIC. But I am sure that she would step aside if you wanted to come back." I looked at him when he said that. "I don't want you to have to be biased and make me PIC just because I am your wife. If required, I will just be the paramedic." Matt nodded when I said that before looking at Gabriel as he held him in his arms. "Hey little man, you have a good nap?"

Kissing his forehead, Matt just smiled at him before tickling him a bit. Matt then went to grab the bottle of milk, starting to feed him while I breastfed Hannah that afternoon.

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